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Problem running Post-Process Plugin (Leadwerks Steam Edition 3.1)


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I am new to Your forum *Newbee*. Just started out with Leadwerks Indie Engine on Steam (V. 3.1).


I am really impressed :-)

The dynamic shadows I do really adore.

Built in Normal Map Generator to create materials instantly, really rocks.

At the moment I am at the point to discover...but I must say...really great Engine :-)


Just now, I try to figure out, how to run or get the Post-Process Plugin:




The Post-Process Effects for Example for DoF do not show up in my libary.

(only 5 grayscale toon vignette vintage and wobble)


I did look around at other posts, but found no solution for me, how I might set that up.


What could I do, to also get the others like DoF going?


Does anyone have a solution for me?


Have a nice day,

C.U. R.E.Z.

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Leadwerks Standart Edition RTS Creator

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Hmmm .. really. Okay.. the text att steam about this is not quite absolutely clear, but reading I did get the understanding that they now are included, or is it only the possibility to add shaders that are included. Not quite clear on that.


We're already seeing a greater diversity of looks and effects than what Leadwerks 2 could render. By effectively crowdsourcing post-effects, we're creating a stronger platform for innovation of new plug-in effects, from the realistic to the fantastic. The post-processing features are included in both the Indie and Standard editions of Leadwerks 3.1.



Roland Strålberg
Website: https://rstralberg.com

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