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Script to make boat sail


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This is the example of how to do it but it is using a child box make in the script it self.

I want to us the child box as a motor so need a box where a can put the motor script in.

So how would I us a allready existing box in the Parenting script?


self.entity = Model:Box()

    local child = Model:Box(1,1,1)

    child = Model:Box(1,1,1)

    return true

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in your script for the motor, in the start function, self.entity:setParent(--[[entity for your boat]]--). this is eaiser to do in the editor. in the scene tab, click and drag your motor on top of your boat, you should see a plus or minus icon appear to the left of your boat and the motor is now offset and directly below your boat. It is now parented, congratulations.

bool Life()
   return death;


I have found the secret to infinite life


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Thanks for people that try to help. Was not much that worked but I figured it out my self in the end. This is how the code looks right now handy to know maybe for others:



Script.enabled = true --bool "Enabled"
Script.gravity = false --bool "Gravity"
Script.movespeed = 1 --Define self.movespeed
Script.originPosition = nil --Define self.originPosition
Script.currentPosition = nil --Define self.currentPosition
Script.oldMass = nil --Define self.oldMass
Script.window = Window:GetCurrent() --Define self.window
Script.move = Vec3(0,0,0) --Define self.move
Script.rotation = "" --Define self.rotation
Script.ry = 0 --Define self.ry
Script.speed = "" --Define self.speed
function Script:Start()
self.originPosition = self.entity:GetPosition() --Get position of object
self.oldMass = self.entity:GetMass() --Get mass of object
if self.entity:GetShadowMode()>0 then

if self.enabled then
if self.entity:GetMass() == 0 then --Get mass and check if bigger then 0
Debug:Error("Entity mass must be greater than zero.")
self.entity:SetGravityMode(self.gravity) --Set gravity to false
self.entity:SetFriction(0,1) --Set Friction
self.move = Vec3(0,0,0) --Set self.move to vector
function Script:UpdatePhysics() --Loop to update Physics
self.move = Vec3(0,0,0)
local movespeed = self.movespeed --Set movespeed to self.movespeed
self.rotation = self.entity:GetRotation():ToString() --Set self.rotation and make it a string (else it is userdata and will not work)
self.ry = string.sub(self.rotation,11,15) --Set self.ry with y of rotation (if cuts of x and z)
self.ry = tonumber(self.ry) --Set self.ry to be a number
self.ry = math.ceil(self.ry) --Set self.ry to be a round number
local inRadians = math.rad(self.ry) --Convert degrees to radians

if (self.window:KeyDown(Key.Up)) then self.move.x = -1 * movespeed * math.cos(inRadians) * Time:GetSpeed() end --Look if upper arrow key is pressed and Set value in selfmove.x (x-axis)
if (self.window:KeyDown(Key.Up)) then self.move.z = movespeed * math.sin(inRadians) * Time:GetSpeed() end --Look if upper arrow key is pressed and Set value in selfmove.z (z-axis)
if (self.window:KeyDown(Key.Down)) then self.move.x = movespeed * math.cos(inRadians) * Time:GetSpeed() end --Look if lower arrow key is pressed and Set value in selfmove.x (x-axis)
if (self.window:KeyDown(Key.Down)) then self.move.z = -1 * movespeed * math.sin(inRadians) * Time:GetSpeed() end --Look if lower arrow key is pressed and Set value in selfmove.z (z-axis)
if (self.window:KeyDown(Key.Right)) then self.move.y= movespeed * Time:GetSpeed() end --Look if right arrow key is pressed and Set value in selfmove.y (y-axis rotation)
		 if (self.window:KeyDown(Key.Left)) then self.move.y= -1 * movespeed * Time:GetSpeed() end --Look if left arrow key is pressed and Set value in selfmove.y (y-axis rotation)

self.entity:AddForce(self.move.x,0,0) --AddForce with the self.move.x value on x-axis
self.entity:AddForce(0,0,self.move.z) --AddForce with the self.move.z value on z-axis
self.entity:AddTorque(0,self.move.y*70,0) --AddTorque with the self.move.y value on y-axis (rotation)
Time:Update() --Update Time value

function Script:PostRender() --Function to print on game screen
local context=Context:GetCurrent()
context:SetBlendMode(Blend.Alpha) --Set blend to alpha so only letters will show
context:DrawText("Rotation :".. self.ry .."",5,130) --Set text and position of text
--context:DrawText("Speed :".. self.speed .."",5,140) --Set text and position of text

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