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Terrain : Can't erase or overwrite texture


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I tried, but no way.

For example i have painted layer 2 rock, than painted over layer 3 Rock.

When painting Layer2 Rock over Rock 3 to paint over it just don't works, Rock 3 is still here.


This is like that it works on any other terrain painting, choosing a texture each time you paint you over paint texture on floor.


Here it just don't works sad.png





It's like painting Layer 3 Rock, can't be over painted with Layer 2 Rock sad.png

(Can't be possible to work on terrain like that)

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This is by design; layers are rendered in sequential order, so it makes sense.


However, I plan to change the layer storage into a system of bitwise flags in the future. This will make it easy to deactivate layers above the current layer when filling in a pixel. So at that time the intended behavior will match what you expect the behavior to be.


(BTW, you can erase texture layers by holding the control key while painting.)

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