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Leadwerks 3.1 framerate low ?


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  On 4/6/2014 at 5:52 PM, MexSource said:





//Offtopic: i ever asked me why seems 30 fps for the human eye laggy when it can only see up to 10-12 fps?....


The eye is not a monitor with a fixed clock, the receptors don't all have to update at the same instant. Some update while others rest. 10 FPS is also the lower end of a sliding scale.

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After playing with Leadwerks 3.1 for a day now, I can also report extremely low frame-rates for the AI & Scripts scene (the crawler one). Debug runs at about 10 FPS and Release at roughly 20-26 FPS. As much as l would like Josh to focus on other aspects of the engine, performance is a huge issue and needs to be tackled- at least gradually.

Intel Core i7 Quad 2.3 Ghz, 8GB RAM, GeForce GT 630M 2GB, Windows 10 (x64)

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This is something I can improve given a little more time for performance testing. 3.1 standard just got released, and it's normal to have a cycle of implementing new functionality, then real-life usage testing and optimization. I'll need some more low and mid-range hardware, because the AI example never drops below 100 on my GEForce 480.

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My job is to make tools you love, with the features you want, and performance you can't live without.

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i think most here misunderstand the difference between how many frames per second the human eye can see and how many frames per second are required for the human brain to recocnize it as a fluid motion.


There is no simple answer to both of them since they also depend on motion blur, how much motion there is in the game etc.



sort of Ontopic: I have played Divinity 2 and noticed that shadows in the distance got updated a lot less frequent than shadows near the character. Maybe that is also a possible way for optimization. However i don't know what kind of renderer they use.

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The human visual system can process 10 to 12 separate images per second, perceiving them individually. If your game is getting 100 fps. Currently the engine is doing 100 shadow updates per second. But your visual system only processed 10 to 12 updates. To me, updating sooner than 9 Or 10 fps is a waste of performance.


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Just saw a message from Josh on how to turn the FPS meter when using release. With the map here with my NVIDIA GEFORCE GTX 780 got theses stats:


To turn FPS display on release, just press F11. (Thanks Josh!)


DEBUG: Min 20 FPS, Max: 200 Fps

RELEASE: Min 50 FPS, Max 450 Fps. So release actually almost double the speed.


When I was walking the map, the part where the frames are dropping the most is the top floor where the 3 "crawlers" are located. Just point the location of the crawler with the view and you will see the frame dropping, even if they are occluded by the door. Seen also that there are some flickering lights near the "crawler" place. I removed them and got some more FPS, but not that much.

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I'll need some more low and mid-range hardware, because the AI example never drops below 100 on my GEForce 480.

Perhaps because on high hardware indeed you won't see the slowdown, the problem is other hadrware mid or low able to run AAA games and have low frame rate with a simple room and three guys pursuing the player.

OpenGL4 already reduces PC mass market, i hope LE3 to not go to the route of "Two years old 3D cards only supported" ?


When I was walking the map, the part where the frames are dropping the most is the top floor where the 3 "crawlers" are located. Just point the location of the crawler with the view and you will see the frame dropping, even if they are occluded by the door.

I don't think the occlusion works that way, looking at the door, the crawlers are drawn, j ust make a test and replace the door by a door with holes.


I've done some tests, this is not Lua the problem.

Navmesh can slow down when some 5-9 crawlers are in a narrow path and it's hard for them to navigate without collision, in that case i got some frame rate to some 30 FPS maxin run mode. But if not in that narrow passage ,and open room, more dispersed crawlers, than frame rate is 60 FPS in run mode what is better.

I noticed that having more than one directionnal light , just dropped FPS from 60 to 30 FPS just by adding a spot light in run mode.

So after real tests i made to compare i can say the problem is rendering mainly not Lua.

Stop toying and make games

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  • 9 months later...
Sorry for the bump, but there still performace updates planned to the engine?

Im getting heavy fps drop with light + the dynamic shadow of the grab box thing.

Please, create another thread if performance is your problem, don't bring out old thread based on older LE3 versions, because lot of updates has occured since.


Also give lot more information than just asking performance :

upload a video or pictures of your level, number of lights ? quality lightening ? resolution ? full screen effects ? MSAA ?

Stop toying and make games

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  • 1 year later...

There hasn't really been a problem described or demonstrated, just a lot of vague descriptions. The framerate in Leadwerks is quite fast, and if it slows down it's because the scene is too heavy or the hardware is too slow.


My job is to make tools you love, with the features you want, and performance you can't live without.

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I think it's just people testing their application in Debug mode and/or VSync on. Because I was really worried about performance in LE as well, I actually quit using it for a while.


When running my application in debug mode w/ vsync on, maps with water would instantly drop FPS to 29-30, with AI 20-25, and I have a pretty good gaming computer so I jumped to the conclusion that Leadwerks had performance issues.


But then when I finally tested my application in release build with vsync off the FPS of a simple scene was like 1000, and still in the high hundreds when the map would have water and AI.


However I noticed that even in release mode when I have vsync on water and AI drop my FPS back down to around 40. So maybe it's a problem with VSync and Leadwerks?

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  On 4/14/2016 at 10:16 PM, Crazycarpet said:

However I noticed that even in release mode when I have vsync on water and AI drop my FPS back down to around 40. So maybe it's a problem with VSync and Leadwerks?


I've been having issues with Vsync as of lately. Strangely when I load a map, it'll run at 60fps with vsync. Then when I reload it, the framerate tanks to 20, until you change the vsync setting to off, then on again, and it'll run at 60 again.


Maybe I should upload the project so Josh can take a look at it as I would really like vsync to work as expected, and not turn the game into a slide show.

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Cyclone - Ultra Game System - Component PreprocessorTex2TGA - Darkness Awaits Template (Leadwerks)

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  On 4/15/2016 at 12:02 AM, Josh said:

It's not like there is anything in Leadwerks that controls VSync. It's just a single setting set with a Windows call.


Ahh ok, then it's the whole "My GPU hates Vsync" reasoning when I noticed why my frames were dipping.


  On 4/15/2016 at 12:20 AM, Crazycarpet said:

Nevermind, was due to some GPU settings. Fixed.


Mind sharing what you did? Because Leadwerks isn't the only engine I notice Vsync issues.

Cyclone - Ultra Game System - Component PreprocessorTex2TGA - Darkness Awaits Template (Leadwerks)

If you like my work, consider supporting me on Patreon!

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