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removing files in other software


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noticed that when i was re-importing models (fbx to be specific) it was duplicating them in the asset browser, not overwriting them. Delete the model in the asset browser, deleted fbx model in fragMotion save dialog in prep to export. Pressed export and was alerted that the model name already existed (even though I just deleted it). Checked on LE to ensure nothing was there keeping the model loaded some how, even though it uses a different format. LE stopped responding. It all happened so fast. I need to record everything i'm doing.


Hope this helps. I'll start recording for ya'll.


thanks for an awesome product josh and the entire leadwerks team.



bool Life()
   return death;


I have found the secret to infinite life


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I could not produce the error in fragmotion. What was the name of the file? Was there upper and lower case letters? Can you reproduce the error?


BTW, deleting a file in the asset browser does not delete the source file.

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