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How to Make a vent rotate? ... Lua Script


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I am pretty new working with the Leadwerks Engine.

Want to setup a vent, that rotates.

(1) Is there a script in Lua around, that causes this?


Neat would be, to be able to see, in which direction the vent rotates

(To use different scripts for the ceiling or wall vents)


(2) How to set up the rotation speed in that script?


Please, might someone help me further?

That would really be great :-)


C.U. R.E.Z.

Leadwerks Standart Edition RTS Creator

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Aggror has a tutorial on youtube for a rotator.lua file that may work for you, here is the code...


angleCounter = 0


function Script:UpdateWorld()

--increase angle counter

angleCounter = angleCounter + (1*Time:GetSpeed())


--apply rotation



--Check to see if we made a full circle

if angleCounter > 360 then

self.component:CallOutputs("Done rotating")

angleCounter = 0




Save it as rotator.lua then attach it to the object in the script tab.


Hope this is helpful.



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