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Material editor not working


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Steam 3.1 Windows 64 bits :


When saving material in material editor it makes textures (. tex files) black (empty files).

On the logs you have some header error also (picture below).





How to test :

-Download sky image below

-import in LE3

- Create a new material : Diffuse shader only

- Put diffuse texture on diffuse slot

- Save new material



Stop toying and make games

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I experience this problem too. I am able to reproduce it reliable:

  1. Download attached file.
  2. Load into Leadwerks
  3. Right-click -> generate texture
  4. Select diffuse shader
  5. Delete Texture from spec. slot
  6. Assign texture to diffuse slot
  7. Save Material
  8. Error: Texture file header not found.


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@bandwrek :

You don't need step : delete texture from slot if you make a new material instead of "generate material" and you'll have the bug.

Something is broken in material/texture system.

Strange : are we the only ones working intensive with LE3 and making materials ?

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Stop toying and make games

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@bandwrek :

You don't need step : delete texture from slot if you make a new material instead of "generate material" and you'll have the bug.

Something is broken in material/texture system.

Strange : are we the only ones working intensive with LE3 and making materials ?


Currently there is only a windows version available


Linux Mint 17 ( = Ubuntu 14.04 with cinnamon desktop ) Ubuntu 14.04, AMD HD 6850, i5 2500k

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I seam to have same problem in 3.1 beta steam ind version


This are errors I get:


Error: Texture file header not found.

Failed to load thumbnail 6 for D:/leadwerks/RescueDrYoung/Materials/Metal/brushed_metal_dirty_normal.tex

Saving thumbnail D:/leadwerks/RescueDrYoung/Materials/Metal/brushed_metal_dirty_normal.tex

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I tested on the 3.1 steam indie version to and same error.


What happens is that the last texture file you add the meta files are ruined the moment you press save.


You all so will see that the meta files are 1k after that. It only happens to the last file you put in the material.


I can send you the files if you need them?


I hope some one will look at this soon sad.png

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Other test : under Materials/Wood i imported two textures and tried environment shader

So in slot 4 i put a texture, when saving the material the texture on slot 4 become empty.

Using a texture in slot 4 , makes that textur empty.


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Stop toying and make games

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when I try to attach a custom shader to a material without textures (I created some basic shaders like diffuse and ads etc.) and I try to save the material everything gets resetted. I dont know why I waste my time with this. I just wanted to learn some shader stuff and want to use leadwerks but this is also not working...

It doesn´t work... why? mhmmm It works... why?

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I thaught ok let's try some come back to LE3 for some mini game project , but got same problems with material editor.

Material editor not working it means LE3 is useless in that state.

I will not waste my time also.






Stop toying and make games

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When you drag the texture onto the material editor, you can see the file name in the title bar changes to the texture name...so when the file is saved, it's actually writing the material to the texture file, which is why both files are wrong.


This was caused by some additional code I had to make the material editor work on Linux, and I just didn't declare a local variable.


A new build is uploaded and can be gotten with the updater. Thanks for the reproduceable steps.

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