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[Linux] Basically no navigation options in the 3D viewport


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When trying to navigate the 3D viewport almost nothing works. Only rotate on right-click seems to do it. No translation when using the middle mouse button and no reaction to mousewheel scrolling.


Maximizing any viewport with F12 or the menu option also doesn't work.

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Are you guys both in a region where they use commas instead of periods in floating-point numbers?


i.e. "20,00" instead of "20.00".

My job is to make tools you love, with the features you want, and performance you can't live without.

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Yes, I am. Did somebody forget to sanitize the culture info in his app? wink.png

That happens in almost every Unity engine game because indie devs aren't aware of that and even Valve started out with similar issues when porting their GoldSrc titles.

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On that note i might be worth pointing out that some of the UI elements in the editor are localized by default, like the Open, Save, Preferences and Cut/Copy/Paste menu options.


That by itself isn't too bad despite being inconsistent and bad looking but in some cases the translated strings are too large for the buttons they are on. Like the add and remove buttons for Post Effects. See image: http://ubuntuone.com/2Wvlz26KHtG6y1C2MDsCvb


So while you are on culture/locale issues maybe force the editor to only use the English localization everywhere.

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If you save input in localized format to re-transform it when loading, else sharing work is going to be a mess.


Linux Mint 17 ( = Ubuntu 14.04 with cinnamon desktop ) Ubuntu 14.04, AMD HD 6850, i5 2500k

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