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[Linux] IDE Options do nothing


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The options under IDE in the General tab of Preferences are nonfunctional.


Whenever I select a font it doesn't persist till the next time I visit that menu and doesn't change the appearance of the code in the script editor.


Code folding and line numbering are both checked by default but needless to say the code in the script editor is neither folded nor are the lines numbered. Unchecking them doesn't change that either.


This is with locale workarounds applied (and without).

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The correct behavior should simply be to have those options disabled.


Originally, our script editor was written using the native textarea widget. Then I switched it over to Scintilla, but could not find an implementation of Scintilla for GTK2. Fortunately, I still had my text editor code that handled syntax highlighting, so I was able to just revert to that.


Will update shortly, with those options disabled. In the future this is something I would like to improve.

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