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.phy file generation and usage for 3.1


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EDIT: The information below is incorrect. YouGroove was so kind and made a quick tutorial here in his relpy post.


I been studying this myself, If appears that you need the source SDK using the Phygen tool to create a collision object based off your model. A ply file is automatically created upon import for you when using the SDK version but the Phygen Tool can give you more control.


In the 3.1 standard version when you right click on a imported model or an included model under the scene tab "save as shape" is greyed out. Only non - compound rectanguluar shape brushes can be saved as a phy file.


I am very new to using the Standard 3.1 version so if I am incorrect please correct my information...



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  On 4/6/2014 at 7:26 PM, cassius said:

That link is for le2. I don't understand.


That is the only general SDK available information I found so far but I am new and just slowly working my way around but trying to find information before I post here.



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LE3 would seriously need shader/animations/collisions documentation for new comers.




@ Digman :

I made a tutorial just for you and physics.


1) select imported FBX model in LE3 : right click : Generate Shape -> Polymesh


2) Save collision mesh somehwere


3 ) Drag your original model in the 3D scene


4) in scene tabe, on physic slot "Shape File", open and choose your saved polymesh

You can verify it worked by displaying physics.


My wish , was to be able to import any obj file when clicking on "Shape File", this way we could create our own collision models instead of using complex generated ones for high poly static models.


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