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Character Controller Falling through solid objects (csg)


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While testing my game level, I came across a few situations where you can fall through the game map. It doesn't matter what size the csg is, you can fall through it at certain reproducible instances. I have only used the built in character controller, i have not created a manual controller and tested it so your mileage may vary.



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Have you tried to delete and remake BSP block where the problem is ? or make it larger ?

Tried to set it to "prop" with a mass =0 to see what happens ?


Problem between cars is simple physic stress, classic in LE3 , i have same when some object go too fast it goes throught solid geometry or when struggling against narrow spaces.


Yes they remain LE3 physic bugs among others.

Stop toying and make games

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The map blocks are not dynamically generated. I just have one block dynamically removed. The thickness does mot matter, the block I fell through was 4 units thick. I will make an example map tomorrow, I'll be at work all day and wont have time.

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Don't walk near the wall, line up like the first picture, and walk right INTO the wall, you will fall through. There is no pick code involved. it simply hides the model and as per documentation, it's physics simply should stop functioning, which in this case it is not. If you look at the hand and walk slowly you can see it bounce when it walks where the block use to be.


I Don't want to shrink, thicken, or move the wall, nor do I want to restrict where or how it gets damaged. It has to be a normal wall, and it has to disappear, leading to such issues. In my game, the cars will be movable and if for whatever reason a player or an AI places the car in such a situation, I want to be able to have it resolved beforehand or come up with a solution to mediate it. I can not dictate how a person will play a game or solve an issue, I can only preemptively counter known issues and behavior and reactivate fix emergent ones.

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I have had this problem with my level. When I am home later tonight I will post in here to show you. I create a Polymesh of my level and it seems that all the ceilings in my level I can still jump and walk through.


I'll post a video in here demonstrating my problem. It does seem that when you create a Polymesh it doesn't give the whole of your model physics (mainly the top of the model). Is this a known problem or is this how the Polymesh feature works?

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I would love to be able to make my own CSG brushes for Leadwerks. Staircases, doorways, archways etc. Like in Unreal Engine. And you could even share those brushes here on the forum.


Could be a great selling point for the engine if you could make a whole level out of CSG. Total noobs that a new to making games can easily craft levels without level the engine then :D


Maby if would be good if you could change the file extension of an exported model to the extension Leadwerks uses for its CSG brushes?

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I would love to be able to make my own CSG brushes for Leadwerks. Staircases, doorways, archways etc. Like in Unreal Engine. And you could even share those brushes here on the forum.



Just make your staircases, group them in one BSP object or in a Pivot, save as Prefab.

You can now give your prefab to anyone using LE3, it is very little file size, and anyone can use it, duplicate it , scale it and orient it as needed.


Could be a great selling point for the engine if you could make a whole level out of CSG. Total noobs that a new to making games can easily craft levels without level the engine then


Beginners in modeling can already make a complete game without leaving LE3 edito and using primitives present, you can even make really complicated level using them.


You should dig more LE3 BSP and Prefabs :)

Stop toying and make games

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I'm testing the truck collision thing, and am producing the problem. I fixed this by increasing the number of iterations the controller performs for collision.


The other bug seems to only occur when the brush is hidden. If I release the brush entity instead of hiding it, there is no error. So I will look in the code for something like that.

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