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Out of Video Memory with Steam running but no steam_appid.txt (re-created)


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Josh--I know you just closed this as you believe it a "Steam issue"; but, after reading through the entire thread you linked to in the original post ( http://steamcommunity.com/app/221040/discussions/0/828934089859605401/ ) I see nothing there that confirms this as a problem with Steam. In fact, on the last page it was an update from Capcom for RE6 that fixed the issue.


Assuming this isn't local (which I don't believe it to be but it's certainly possible), I'll make the case again that if a game created using Le 3.1 is not released on Steam it needs to be Steam independent. It shouldn't matter if Steam is running in the background or not, nor if Steam_appid.txt is in the game directory or not....


Again, thanks...


(Also, sorry for the new thread, but you locked the other before I had a chance to respond)...




Original bug-post text:


"Already mentioned this to Josh a couple weeks ago--making a reminder post for him...


I discovered that if I have Steam open and try to run RogSys with no Steam_appid.txt in the main game directory (as if the user did not purchase the game from Steam), I will get an Out of Video Memory error at start-up. At this point the engine shuts down the app.


If I run RogSys with Steam closed and no .txt file, or if I run it with Steam open and the Steam_appid.txt file in the main game directory, then all is well.


I didn't notice this at first until I started adding some serious art to the scene and using some higher res shadow maps.


I would imagine that not everyone will release their titles on Steam, and for me it's likely the Windows version of RogSys will not be on Steam (at least initially); so this would need to be addressed at some point.


Le3.1 Standard, c++, running outside of the editor




Edit: Just to mention--my r9 290 has 3 gigs on board. I highly doubt I've thrown that much game art at it yet"

--"There is no spoon"

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I would imagine that not everyone will release their titles on Steam, and for me it's likely the Windows version of RogSys will not be on Steam (at least initially); so this would need to be addressed at some point.


So you should not have any Steam DLL or file in your project and have like LE3.0 some pure Windows Non Steam version.

It is the case with 3.1 C++ actually ? Or does 3.1 C++ version incorporate some Steam files ?

( i have Lua Steam only version)

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A project created with 3.1 (LUA or C++) currently must have the Steam DLL inlcluded, regardless if you plan to ship on Steam or not; but, Steam is NOT required to run said project.


You should be able to compile without the Steam lib so that the dll need not be included (as bandrewk was suggesting).


Edit: Regardless though, I don't really care if Steam dll is required or not. MY issue is that the method for not having the Steam overlay show up, as described by Josh, is to remove Steam_appid.txt from the game directory. This works; but in doing so, when I run my prog and Steam is running in the background then I get the Out of Video Memory error. The error is the part that needs to be fixed ;)

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--"There is no spoon"

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A project created with 3.1 (LUA or C++) currently must have the Steam DLL inlcluded, regardless if you plan to ship on Steam or not; but, Steam is NOT required to run said project.


This is not normal, non Steam version means No Steam simply.

I f would publish a product for PC in general and not in Steam platform, i should have zero Steam related files sleep.png

Stop toying and make games

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This is not normal, non Steam version means No Steam simply.

I f would publish a product for PC in general and not in Steam platform, i should have zero Steam related files sleep.png

This is done so that you and I don't have to worry about distributing multiple builds. If you don't call Steamworks::Initialize(), no Steam features will be used.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Just an update on this. My sound designer tested a version of RogSys locally on his machine with the same results (with his nVidia as opposed to my AMD). Without "Steam_appid.txt" in his main RogSys folder and Steam running he gets the out of vid mem error. Once he exits Steam completely all is well...


I also had him add my copy of "Steam_appid.txt" and try running WITH Steam open--as expected that too worked, but he got the Steam overlay.


So, it's not a local issue and we'll need some sort of fix so we can release outside of the Steam environment...


Thanks smile.png


Edit: And, just to note, I'm not calling Steamworks::Initialize() anywhere within RogSys...

--"There is no spoon"

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Could be related to this bug http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/topic/9580-memory-allocation-error/ . If i run my game in the editor it's fine, If it's run from command line it crashes. I had to lower the resolution of EVERY single texture to make this go away. That's not really the solution I really wanted to do. Hopefully there is a way to fix both the out of video memory and mem alloc issues.

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Video memory is shared across the system. If there is a bug in Steam that allocates all your memory, Leadwerks will run out of memory. The fact that Leadwerks without Steam works but Steam has been known to cause this problem with some games indicates to me the problem is in Steam.


However, DXTC texture compression, which is disabled while I was trying to target mobile, can be re-enabled pretty easily and will definitely help this situation.

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My job is to make tools you love, with the features you want, and performance you can't live without.

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We talked about this. You're using a lot of 2048x2048 uncompressed textures and I think you're just running out of VRAM. Each of those is about 25 mb.


With the new update you can compress those down to 12% their size using DXT1 compression. So unless I hear otherwise, I will consider this solved. mellow.png

My job is to make tools you love, with the features you want, and performance you can't live without.

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