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Prefab editing not working


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A prefab file is really just a .map file. It does not have a special editor window, because the editor itself is the way to modify these. A viewer window might be a nice addition in the future.

My job is to make tools you love, with the features you want, and performance you can't live without.

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It's a bad workflow to close the map that you are currently editing to edit a prefab and then open that map again. An extra editor window for editing and viewing is definitely the way to go for this.


Here is how i worked on my shoot them up script kit.


1 ) Bullet prefab making :

- In the level make a ball

- attach bullet script as child in hierarchy

- attach particle object as child in hierarchy

2) Save it as bullet.prefab

3) delete it, it is now on prefab forlder ready to be used like paced on level or instancied by code.


Now you need to modify it :

1) On your level drag and drop bullet.prefab anywhere

2) in the scene tab you see object and hierarchy objects, you can change anything could it be color,script, child objects

3) modify it so

4) save it as bullet.prefab in your prefab directory overwritting old version

5) delete the bullet prefab in your level map

6) now you have new bullet prefab version saved in your prefab directory.


Could be on manual about prefab workflow, didn't know some people was so much complicating things laugh.png

Stop toying and make games

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I did change it so the reimport and edit menu items get disabled when a prefab is selected.


The nature of prefabs is that you make them once and generally do not have to worry about them after that. If you are modifying your map and prefabs simultaneously., your design probably isn't locked down enough yet to start using prefabs.

My job is to make tools you love, with the features you want, and performance you can't live without.

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I have modular rooms repeated throughout my map, I would like to move some sub rooms in the prefab and then run through the level, experiment with the placement of destructible walls and see how it changes the flow of my game. It does help when you can see the change in the prefab within the context of the level instead of in a map by itself, then having to load your level then making sure its set correctly.

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The nature of prefabs is that you make them once and generally do not have to worry about them after that. If you are modifying your map and prefabs simultaneously., your design probably isn't locked down enough yet to start using prefabs.


Josh, in practice this is not the case, specially if you want to polish more your game each time.

I used prefabs for entities containing child pivot/entity and script, for example some space ships, i could instance them by code as needed and test gameplay.

I guaranty i had lot of times to modify them to make changes could it be change materials , particles object, or add new childs to change some gameplay, this is simply polishing the game.

Prefabs should be modified any time easyly.

Stop toying and make games

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