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Pick distance


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I think something ins't functioning properly here.

I have this:


(In my player class)


if (wd->KeyHit(Key::E)){
 Vec2 mousepos = wd->GetMousePosition();
 if (cam->Pick(mousepos.x, mousepos.y, pickinfo, 0.1)){
  if (pickinfo.entity->GetKeyValue("tag") == "dbutton"){
   //pickinfo.entity->SetKeyValue("tag", "");
   System::Print("Entity picked, distance: " + String(pickinfo.distance));
   pickinfo.entity->SetPosition(pickinfo.entity->GetPosition().x, pickinfo.entity->GetPosition().y - 2, pickinfo.entity->GetPosition().z);


But it only get triggered if i'm nearly directly in contact with that object.


The line

System::Print("Entity picked, distance: " + String(pickinfo.distance));

only says:

Entity picked, distance -1


Is that -1 a convert problem or because I'm so close to the object that I'm touching it?

C++ :3

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Try with this Lua code example


if self.entity.world:Pick(p0,p1, pickInfo, 0, true) then



From Lua example :


pickradius = 0.5

function App:Loop()

if (self.camera:Pick(p.x,p.y,pickinfo,pickradius,true)) then


Perhaps change your pickradius, and add "true" as last parameter.

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It seems your problem is that your two positions are your mousepos.x and mousepos.y.

The two positions you need are 1 the area the pick starts from and 2 the area the pick will end.

example positions that may work--







Check out my game Rogue Snowboarding- 


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Did you even try it? and btw they are in Vec3.



  • bool Pick(const Vec3& p0, const Vec3& p1, Pick& pick, float radius = 0.0, bool closest=false, bool recursive=false, int collisiontype=0)


  • p0: the origin of the ray in global coordinates.
  • p1: the terminal end of the ray in global coordinates."





The pick class is a container for storing information about a pick operation.



  • Vec3 position
  • Vec3 normal
  • Entity* entity
  • Surface* surface
  • Face* face
  • int triangle"


Using Vec3 positions for the start and end of the pick works for me.

Check out my game Rogue Snowboarding- 


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Mexsource is using a camera pick and not a global pick. He doesn't have to specify a starting 3d point as the campick takes the screencoordinates in to account as a startposition.



@Mexsource, can you post a small demo a map and your code? you can also send a pm and I will have a look.

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Ok here some more information:


I try to create a game where you need to press a button, i wanted to do this with a raycast


This is the pick code, it's from my MainPlayer.cpp "update" function that set up in my App::Loop function:

if (wd->KeyHit(Key::E)){
 Vec2 mousepos = wd->GetMousePosition();
 if (cam->Pick(mousepos.x, mousepos.y, pickinfo, 0)){
  if (pickinfo.entity->GetKeyValue("tag") == "dbutton"){
   //pickinfo.entity->SetKeyValue("tag", "");
   System::Print("Entity picked, distance: " + String(pickinfo.distance));


on the map load i set the tag "dbutton" for every object that has "dbutton" in it's name. Later when I did the raycast i would remove the tag so the button is "pressed" (outcommented for testing). It should then print the distance from camera to object. And then the button should be set invisible, so you can see it's pressed.


And here are my problems: The line that should output the distance only says -1 everytime and it only works if you are so close to the object, that you are nearly touching it.


I will attach my current map. (Maybe it could help)

Btw: maybe it's not working because my objects are csg objects?


Is this enough explanation or do you need full code?



Btw: why can't I upload .map files?


C++ :3

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Yep, will do


Here it is.



Rick what do you mean, how could I do it?

I tried:

if (wd->KeyHit(Key::E)){
Vec3 pickPos2 = wd->GetMousePosition();
pickPos2.z = 10;
if (wrd->Pick(cam->GetPosition(), cam->UnProject(pickPos2), pickinfo, 0.0F, true)){
if (pickinfo.entity->GetKeyValue("tag") == "dbutton"){
//pickinfo.entity->SetKeyValue("tag", "");
System::Print("Entity picked, distance: " + String(pickinfo.distance));
//pickinfo.entity->SetPosition(pickinfo.entity->GetPosition().x, pickinfo.entity->GetPosition().y - 2, pickinfo.entity->GetPosition().z);


wouldn't this do a raycast of length 10, in the looking direction of the camera? Because it only works when i look at a object in a certain angle that.


Fixed it, you need to use:


Vec3 pickPos2 = Vec3(contxt->GetWidth() / 2, contxt->GetHeight() / 2, 5);


instead of


Vec3 pickPos2 = wd->GetMousePosition();
pickPos2.z = 10;


seems like mouseposition really returns the mouse position on whole screen not only for the window, how i thought

C++ :3

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