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Update indy version


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Good day yesterday I wrote Josh Clint but he did not answer. I decided to write about this here, I'm interested to poluchaetsya that after additions to the standard version of indy version will not be updated? for the last couple of weeks I did not have more than one update.angry.png

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I have Steam version. I just gave a rather large sum for the engine, for example in my Stronie on fl days of the month and you can live now that would be upgraded to the standard version, you have to pay again takuyuzhe amount. I'm not ready to pay only for the ability to use C + +. Exact time for something like that passed as I bought it did not happen does not change kokogo funktseonale.

Can not use the vegetation on the landscape. No coherent documentation I do not know much English, and so for me the problem is that it is in the current figure. And eternal bugs bugs of creating materials when not sozdaetsya new material and already prsto zamenyaetsya The created you.

Sorry but I am disappointed. I understand that not everything is so simple but you need at least that to do something. I pytladsya share with friends svoisi extent klssny engine and promising but alas when I tried to prove it to a friend, he let me.

I can not even put into words all the feelings that I experienced when I bought this engine, because I spent it all his scholarship, and it was my first daizhok that I bought. But you now I'm only sad when ismytyvayu myta work in it.

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The beta branch is more frequently updated, but potentially less stable. Once a stable build is reached on the beta branch, it gets moved over to the default. So the default branch is only updated every few weeks, and the other more frequently, and you can choose which you prefer.

My job is to make tools you love, with the features you want, and performance you can't live without.

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