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[Linux] Window.FullScreen and others not implemented?


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Maybe I'm just making a really silly mistake but in case I'm not...


So I went into the App.lua of the MyGame demo project and tried to adjust the window creation for full screen and after reading the documentation and some forum posts this should be the proper syntax right?




All the parameters except Window.FullScreen seem to do what they are supposed to do but all I get is a window with the specified resolution.


In fact I seem to have issues with most of these flags.


Window::Titlebar: the window will have a titlebar with text shown.

What's that even do? The window always has a titlebar for me even without this flag.


Window::Resizable: the window will be resizable and have minimize and maximize buttons.

This one is quite funny, the window always has a maximize and minimize button unless I set this flag then the maximize button disappears.


Window;:Hidden: the window will be initially hidden on creation.

Only flag that seems to work as intended and it is the only one that gets highlighted in blue by the script editor.


Window::FullScreen: the window will take up the entire screen, and the screen resolution will be changed to match the window size.

As already explained this does nothing.


(Then there is Center but that only appears in the root documentation page for Window and not within the Create page. Also doesn't do anything either way.)

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I can basically confirm this bug now. My mini benchmark from the other thread has revealed that it doesn't go full screen for anybody under Linux and somebody tested in under Wine (so the Windows version) where it did default to full screen.

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So, how are you progressing in dealing with this issue?


If you are still having trouble with this you should seriously consider using SDL2 (http://libsdl.org/)

You have attended the talks on Steam Devs Days yourself and they all said that you should absolutely use this.


Context and Window creation and management is just the thing SDL2 is awesome at taking over for you. You should also consider plugging it into the editor.


It will also make Leadwerks ready for when X11 is replaced by Wayland/Mir.


You have made many sane middleware choices with Leadwerks by sticking to Open Source projects, this one will be the sanest of them all.

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The resizable and fullscreen implementation are done. The titlebar may not ever be implemented, because it's kind of redundant.

My job is to make tools you love, with the features you want, and performance you can't live without.

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