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Well I found this command and it looks like it will do what I want which is to have an object face the camera when I'm moving around in fp mode. Say, a character watching you. Something like...


PointEntity(character, camera, 3, 1, 0)


The thing is, I'm not sure how to go about setting this up.

Do I place the code in the Character's class file, or in the fp main loop?

AMD Athlon x2 7750 2.7ghz, 6gb ddr2 ram, Galaxy9800GT 1gig ddr2 video card, Windows 7,64.

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Thanks, I'll give it a try.

Update: It can't be something as simple as placing


PointEntity(character,fw.main.camera, 3, 1, 0)


in the class file because I get an 'Access Violation' error.

AMD Athlon x2 7750 2.7ghz, 6gb ddr2 ram, Galaxy9800GT 1gig ddr2 video card, Windows 7,64.

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Finally I got this sorted. This class file will point a stationary character at the camera.



local class=CreateClass(...)


function class:CreateObject(model)

local object=self.super:CreateObject(model)


function object:Update()

self.model:Point(fw.main.camera, 3, 1, 0)




AMD Athlon x2 7750 2.7ghz, 6gb ddr2 ram, Galaxy9800GT 1gig ddr2 video card, Windows 7,64.

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