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Veg material


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I have a tree with leafs (Northern Veg from Dexsoft). What is the correct shader and material settings again to make the transparency look right?


Can't get it to look correct in 3.1. I have the old LE 2 model viewer still installed and the gmf looks right in there with it's using the old sway alphatest shaders, but I don't see anything equal to that in LE 3.1.

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So when I set this I can see all the planes of the leafs (before some would be invisible based on the camera angle). The issue I have is that in the texture the area that should be transparent is green and so in LE 3.1 that green area is showing on the plane so it doesn't look right. However, in LE 2 it's the same texture with green areas for the transparent areas and it looks right with transparency.

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