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  1. In this presentation we discuss the challenges and solutions we encountered during development of the Ultra Engine first-person shooter example, internally named XFORM. XForm Post-mortem.zip
  2. At this point in time that sounds like a giant time sink that will result in no new customers and cause the company to go bankrupt. So it's probably good to stay focused on adding more features to the platforms we currently support, for now.
  3. You can already. In the right-side panel you can select the animation and change its name in the properties.
  4. Now that Ultra 0.9.8 has delivered a plethora of great features that make it easy to design beautiful levels, I would like to see the community's aggregate response to this poll. Please use the suggestion box forum for feature requests. I'm not just saying that to keep you from posting here, it really is a better place for them where they won't get lost. Polls do not define what I will work on next, but it is useful information to have, and does sometimes have some influence on decisions when weighted with other factors.
  5. I do not know the future, so I don't try to predict it. It just depends on what people need most.
  6. 0.9.8 (beta branch) VR game template is updated with a simple example scene.
  7. 0.9.8 Eliminated black squares when bloom filter is in use.
  8. Actually, I take that back. For some reason, the Prefilter function can return NAN values. I have traced the problem down to the contribution value, calculated after this line: contribution /= max(brightness, 0.00001); My temporary fix is just to check for NAN at the end of the shader and output black if it is found.
  9. The issue does not seem to be resolved when testing my application in the report on Github linked to above with this configuration: GPU: RX 6600 Driver: 24.12.1 OS: Windows 10 64-bit
  10. 0.9.8 Updated the sliding door Lua component with some small fixes.
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