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  1. Hey! I've been working on this leadwerks project as a hobby forever. Finally decided to put it up on itch.io to share it with people. Rogue Snowboarding is a simple but addicting roguelike snowboarding game. Play through 4 difficulty levels and a final tournament to win the game. Designed with replayability in mind. Short, sweet, and extremely addicting. Easy to pick up and hard to master gameplay. Procedurally generated slopes with multiple themes keep things interesting; you'll never ride the same slope twice! Leave me some feedback! https://haydenmango.itch.io/roguesnowboarding
  2. Okay so I just had a new windows update and everything's working again! Amazing! (I hate you windows 11)
  3. I have an MX Master 3S - https://www.logitech.com/en-us/products/mice/mx-master-3s.910-006557.html I'm not exactly sure if its high precision but it was working previously until about a week ago. Also, yes I am on the current stable steam branch, not in any betas. edit- All I can think is a recent windows update broke it. I will try to get my hands on a different mouse and see if it makes a difference.
  4. Unable to move in editor viewport using mouse or WASD keys. Camera stays stationary. Please fix if possible. I still use the (now old) engine almost daily and this is the first bug in years that has actually made the editor unusable. Can give more details and troubleshoot further if needed. edit- mouse scroll still works but nothing else does. Windows 11. GTX 4080. This issue just popped up, I swear it was working fine a month ago.
  5. That's great to hear, thanks Josh! I did spend a lot of time tuning the player mechanics, they should be pretty solid. Still going to change the maps more and fix some other issues probably. The map design in particular could be much better with more variety and depth if I develop it further. Pretty happy with how it all turned out, thinking of trying surfing next!
  6. Hi peoples. I've been working on a little snowboarding game for a while now and I wanted to share it. ROGUE SNOWBOARDING is a snowboarding game inspired by Tony Hawk N64, SSX Tricky and 1080 Snowboarding. The concept is to mash old school arcade board sports with a roguelike design. Result is - pretty neat arcade snowboarding mechanics, maps with some procedurally placed objects, randomly generated leaderboard scores to beat, permadeath, rpg stats, unlockables for other modes, and more. Career mode with 4 difficulty tiers and a final halfpipe map. Get a high enough score on the leaderboard to move to the next tier. Try to avoid taking too much damage because if you die it's game over. Trick Attack mode where you can play with maps and boards you've unlocked from career mode. Maps leaderboard scores are based on your highest score on that map to add some extra replayability. You can get the game from my dropbox here - https://www.dropbox.com/sh/pcgrhz62d4ugce3/AAAWKZTtC9ySULSvAZr88U-ja?dl=0 Let me know if you have any questions or feedback!
  7. Oh wow I had no idea System:Set/GetProperty() saved/read a cfg file, derp. Shows how much I mess with file system stuff I guess haha. I'll just use that instead of making my own system, thanks!
  8. Hi all! I've been trying to get a save file system working and I've got to the point where I can write the savefile.txt as well as the data I'd like within it. Now I'm trying to read the data I've written on startup to apply the savefile changes. I am stuck trying to figure out how to use Stream:Seek() and Stream:ReadLine() to do this. Here is what my code currently looks like: savefile=FileSystem:ReadFile("snowboardingsavefile.txt") --create savefile if it doesnt exist if savefile==nil then savefile = FileSystem:WriteFile("snowboardingsavefile.txt") --setup first time window resolution gfxmode.x = System:GetProperty("screenwidth",gfxmode.x) gfxmode.y = System:GetProperty("screenheight",gfxmode.y) windowstyle = Window.Fullscreen System:SetProperty("fullscreen","1") --write graphics settings to savefile savefile:WriteLine(gfxmode.x) --x resolution savefile:WriteLine(gfxmode.y) --y resolution savefile:WriteLine(1) --fullscreen local quality=System:GetProperty("lightquality") savefile:WriteLine(quality) quality=System:GetProperty("terrainquality") savefile:WriteLine(quality) quality=System:GetProperty("texturedetail") savefile:WriteLine(quality) quality=System:GetProperty("anisotropicfilter") savefile:WriteLine(quality) quality=System:GetProperty("verticalsync") savefile:WriteLine(quality) --write audio settings to savefile System:SetProperty("currentsong","0") System:SetProperty("ambientvolume","0") System:SetProperty("musicvolume","0") System:SetProperty("effectvolume","0") savefile:WriteLine(0) --currentsong savefile:WriteLine(0) --ambientvolume savefile:WriteLine(0) --musicvolume savefile:WriteLine(0) --effectvolume --write unlocked maps to savefile last maplocked={} maplocked[1]=false maplocked[2]=true savefile:WriteLine(0) savefile:WriteLine(1) else --apply savefile maplocked={} for a=1,14 do savefile:Seek((a-1)) System:Print(savefile:ReadLine()) System:Print(savefile:GetPos()) savefile:Seek((a-1)) if a>12 then if savefile:ReadLine()=="1" then maplocked[a-12]=true else maplocked[a-12]=false end elseif a==12 then System:SetProperty("effectvolume",savefile:ReadLine()) elseif a==11 then System:SetProperty("musicvolume",savefile:ReadLine()) elseif a==10 then System:SetProperty("ambientvolume",savefile:ReadLine()) elseif a==9 then System:SetProperty("currentsong",savefile:ReadLine()) elseif a==8 then System:SetProperty("verticalsync",savefile:ReadLine()) elseif a==7 then System:SetProperty("anisotropicfilter",savefile:ReadLine()) elseif a==6 then System:SetProperty("texturedetail",savefile:ReadLine()) elseif a==5 then System:SetProperty("terrainquality",savefile:ReadLine()) elseif a==4 then System:SetProperty("lightquality",savefile:ReadLine()) elseif a==3 then System:SetProperty("fullscreen",savefile:ReadLine()) elseif a==2 then System:SetProperty("screenheight",savefile:ReadLine()) elseif a==1 then System:SetProperty("screenwidth",savefile:ReadLine()) end end end So my problem is that ReadLine() isn't returning the next line I expect it too. I'm not sure what values to input into Seek() to move to the next line in my text file. Any help would be very much appreciated! I'll also attach the text file this script creates on my computer to this post to show what it looks like. snowboardingsavefile.txt
  9. @Josh Yep the diagram and video I posted refer to regular style tricks. In my game you can switch between goofy and regular stance using a hotkey and by landing 180 degrees. Tricks are the same in both stances (for sake of less animation work) but they are basically inverted regular tricks for goofy. @jen Wow that's so funny that you mention Tony Hawk Pro Skater! I grew up playing tony hawk and 1080 snowboarding on my N64 so they have been a huge inspiration (as well as reference) for my game. Your advice is great and is somewhat similar to what I've done in my game for jumps. I actually analyzed how halfpipes worked in tony hawk to come up with my solution. Basically I check if youre on a halfpipe then when your rotation reaches a certain point and if you're holding spacebar you automatically jump directly upwards. Movement is physics based so that you can still collide with certain objects and what not but I heavily control the physics to work the way I want to avoid unintended behaviors.
  10. Ah, keen observation and question. hahah Well, I haven't successfully gone surfing but I only tried less than 5 times. I never even managed to balance on the board let alone catch a wave. On the other hand I have body/boogie boarded a lot but thats super different because you can't really do tricks like grabs. The tricks will be done in both styles! I've recently finished testing a working halfpipe that can be placed in any map alongside the normal jumps and terrain slopes. So you can basically do any of the tricks anywhere, it's really cool. I just have to develop some real maps (and finish these animations) to show off the true potential. Thanks I can't wait to share it as a beta once I finish my first development stage! ....Which will be soon™
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