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    Moscow, Russia

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  1. If you try to use dots for animated characters, you are going to have a fun time with their experimental dots animations system My point is that their SRP batcher already solves most of the CPU side bottlenecks and DOTS isn't helping with anything other than heavy gameplay logic, but then you end up with terrible animations, no ucclusion culling and so on. That's what Cities Skylines struggled with. They are adding new GPU resident drawer which is supposedly similar to DOTS hybrid renderer, which I have already tried with no benefit. Also, there is already progressive GC and I've never seen GC lags since it was added. GPU optimization is where the devil is, CPU is easy (from my Tech Art side).
  2. Genebris

    Finishing Touches

    Starfield just released without RTX because they realize it's just a scam by nvidia to sell you useless expensive hardware.
  3. How much photorealism can we get without being rendering engineers? I think every modern renderer does linear color space + HDR + ACES color grading. I understand there's no lightmapped or realtime GI at the moment, but you do have reflection probes. What are our options to do aimbient occlusion, which is essential for photorealism? I assume shader uses AO map for a model, any other way we can have AO on the environment? If I drop a bunch of Megascans models, how close do I get to this render ?
  4. Genebris

    Grid Everywhere

    Does it need to be cut from there for the release build then?
  5. Genebris

    Grid Everywhere

    Is this like a post processing effect or a feature of the regular material shader?
  6. Genebris

    Selection Highlight

    Looks cool. Can we have an option to remove the overlay color? It messes with you when you adjust material of this object
  7. Blender shows there are 2 different normals here. If I dissolve the edge and create it, there's now 1 normal vector here and shading is fixed on this edge. I would guess vertices aren't getting split like you would expect.
  8. If I just delete any edge and recreate it the same way, it fixes shading. Can they be connected incorrectly somehow?
  9. Yeah, this is not good topology. It's also bad for GPU performance. Can you merge vertices that are too close?
  10. Well, I have 3GB of VRAM so 4 or 9 GB can only fit if RAM is used alongside. I'm pretty sure that system works for both. They call it "GPU memory" and to my layman understanding it's not only VRAM. Either way, the total size of textures in memory profiler becomes exactly what I type in the system. That project only runs due to that system.
  11. Saving up RAM. It clears 5GB for me in Unity. I have 9 GB of textures in a scene and with a checkbox tick I get just 4 GB, no visual impact.
  12. Unrelated, but do you plan to add mip maps streaming from disk depending on distance?
  13. How come it understands Ultra Engine API? I thought they included blender scripts and possibly documentation into training data set to make it write blender scripts. But now it can work in any environment?
  14. If views actually downgrade ranking then I would expect that at least only paid accounts count into that. It would be really dumb otherwise but who know. By the way, I get no views on my store page, so at least they don't target me 😇
  15. Games are so cheap that gamers are limited by their time not by the money when choosing what to play. I myself have plenty of games and software in the library that I haven't started
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