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Marleys Ghost

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  1. Leadwerks 3.2 Indie : Animated Character Workflow Test IKinema: http://www.ikinema.com/ TrueBones: http://www.truebones.com/
  2. Use invisible CSG pieces to cover the slopes.
  3. If you don't spend time learning the basics and fundamentals of programming,learning lua and learning the Leadwerks API how do you expect to accomplish anything using an engine that requires programming, tutorials normally assume the reader has this minimum level of ability especially with an engine that requires programming. http://www.lua.org/manual/5.2/ http://lua.gts-stolberg.de/en/index.php http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/page/documentation/_/index/ Then you'll be ready to tackle the basics http://www.youtube.com/user/Aggror89/videos http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/page/tutorials/ Any Software that you choose to use in your art pipeline other than Leadwerks will also have to be learnt, they inevitably have their own tutorials and forums. If you have no programming skills and or 3D art skills there is no avoiding this route if you want to develop games using a game engine that requires them.
  4. Maybe, but what your asking for involves how to use software thats not leadwerks to get stuff ready to get into leadwerks. The best place for newcomers to start, is working through all the available tutorials and documentation and then going through the countless posts already made by previous newcomers asking pretty much the same things (the forum search tool is your friend). An art pipeline will inevitably involve other software, you will need to learn to use those to.
  5. Yes, it requires effort, just start at the beginning, maybe you are trying to run before you can crawl?
  6. https://www.google.co.uk/search?q=Animation+retargetting&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&aq=t&rls=org.mozilla:en-GB:official&client=firefox-a&channel=nts&gfe_rd=cr&ei=VfH1U46NAfSq8weN4YLoAw#channel=nts&q=Animation+Retargeting&rls=org.mozilla:en-GB:official&spell=1 File > Load Animation in the model editor. You'd best try the demo ... I am not sure what you'd consider an insurmountable learning curve to make any recommendations.
  7. If your model is not rigged with a mixamo skeletal bone structure you'd have to retarget the animations to it, animations are not naturally universal they are animation rig dependent.
  8. Which is exactly what you can do in leadwerks model editor ....
  9. Oh well, as long as it works on Windows I can put up with that
  10. Actually that one would be most useful! so it deserves it's own entry. A Window::GetLayout() command or bet still a Window::GetAtribs() which would return the information about the Leadwerks window especially its x and y position on the desktop HWND, ID etc.. we already have SetLayout() and like so many other commands that can set, we have no get.
  11. 1. The return of being able to use Blitzmax with Leadwerks. 2. External lua editor. 3. Rename model meshes in the model editor. 4. Passworded Zip file functionality. 5. Free beer every month. 7. What happened to 6? 6. Ah there it is EDIT 8. A Window::GetLayout() so a windows position on the desktop can be returned and other window attributes like its HWND, ID etc.
  12. Use something like BVHacker to constrain the animations root node translation in the x and z axis, you may have to fiddle with exporting and importing and may even need to retarget the animation sequence to the mesh and skeleton if you can't manage that in the model editor.
  13. @Mack : Two free autorigs per week not free animations, there are some free animations and a basic locomotion pack that's free. . https://www.mixamo.com/motions
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