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  1. runs veery smoothly, too. Sorry for this post you can delete it / move it somewhere else
  2. I fixed it , the problem was an outdated environment variable. I had Ultra installed trough the app launcher, and the env variable sitll pointed to program files not steamapps install.
  3. screenshot of my shaders folder, also i checked some shader files and they exist .
  4. Hi, there are some problems with my Ultra Engine installation. I have a fresh Ultra Engine install, and built it successfully. The .exe runs, but it is only a black window. When I build in debug and look at the logs, I get many errors trying to load shaders. This did not happen on older versions that were not installed trough steam. I tried it on two systems, and within the editor window you can see something. The GPU is not utilized, although the latest gfx drier is installed and the GPU is detected. 096debugmode.txt
  5. there should be a system where you can program your own brushes in lua , and also suport for 3d landscape (voxel). And some way to import heightmaps dynamically
  6. Dragging the material into a viewport will not work in this case. Only setting the material in the model menu under the submenu of the mesh inside the model was possible
  7. https://discord.com/channels/1175951843118031049/1175951843612954786/1215067730190016562 https://discord.com/channels/1175951843118031049/1175951843612954786/1215065397967982633 (videos and models) When I drag and drop a material onto a custom model it will not be applied. Please add a material set option in the scene view for meshes, or fix the issue, this is highly frustrating for me. Thank you
  8. #version 450 #extension GL_GOOGLE_include_directive : enable #extension GL_ARB_separate_shader_objects : enable //#extension GL_EXT_shader_realtime_clock : enable // NOT ALLOWED #include "../Base/Fragment.glsl" #include "../Base/UniformBlocks.glsl" #define PI 3.14159 float vDrop(vec2 uv,float t) { uv.x = uv.x*128.0; // H-Count float dx = fract(uv.x); uv.x = floor(uv.x); uv.y *= 0.05; // stretch float o=sin(uv.x*215.4); // offset float s=cos(uv.x*33.1)*.3 +.7; // speed float trail = mix(95.0,35.0,s); // trail length float yv = fract(uv.y + t*s + o) * trail; yv = 1.0/yv; yv = smoothstep(0.0,1.0,yv*yv); yv = sin(yv*PI)*(s*5.0); float d2 = sin(dx*PI); return yv*(d2*d2); } void main() { //vec2 p = (vertexWorldPosition.xz - 0.5 * (vertexWorldPosition.xz+500.0)) / (vertexWorldPosition.xz-250.0); vec2 p = (vertexWorldPosition.xz); float d = length(p)+0.1; p = vec2(atan(p.x, p.y) / PI, 2.5 / d); float t = CurrentTime*0.004; vec3 col = vec3(1.55,0.65,.225) * vDrop(p,t); // red col += vec3(0.55,0.75,1.225) * vDrop(p,t+0.33); // blue col += vec3(0.45,1.15,0.425) * vDrop(p,t+0.66); // green outColor[0] = vec4(col*(d*d), 1.0); //Material material = materials[materialID]; //outColor[0] = material.diffuseColor * color; //int textureID = GetMaterialTextureHandle(material, TEXTURE_DIFFUSE); //if (textureID != -1) outColor[0] *= texture(texture2DSampler[textureID], texcoords.xy); //Camera distance fog //if ((entityflags & ENTITYFLAGS_NOFOG) == 0) ApplyDistanceFog(outColor[0].rgb, vertexWorldPosition.xyz, CameraPosition); //if ((RenderFlags & RENDERFLAGS_TRANSPARENCY) != 0) //{ // outColor[0].rgb *= outColor[0].a; // //outColor[0].a = 1.0f; //} } Hyperdrive shader based on Drop Tunnel by Del
  9. Hi, I try to program a shader but for my use case I need a time value. For this I tried to use the extension #extension GL_EXT_shader_realtime_clock : enable // NOT ALLOWED which is not allowed in the current setup. I dont know much about Vulcan or shaders, but could this be shipped with the next update ? That would make things a lot easier as I also try to make an animated (sprite) material which is not possible without a time value. On the other hand , i tried passing it trough c++ directly using a uniform variable uniform float u_Time; which would lead to the following error. 'non-opaque uniforms outside a block' : not allowed when using GLSL for Vulkan Looking forward for a solution, as I said I am not experienced in shaders so maybe there already is.
  10. i can build and run exe if they are up to date. i would love to see a new build of this because it is impossible for me to create hdris for now
  11. Hello. I tried the tool using the GUI and through command prompt. In the GUI it will crash and using the command prompt it will be stuck at Importing Cubemap. The gui will load, but crash on importing either panorama or other import option, or canceling the import. I used this cubemap at 1k resolution (.hdr) https://polyhaven.com/a/symmetrical_garden_02 Windows 11 updated graphics drivers rtx 4090
  12. sadly the tool crashes for me. Windows 11 It will crash after clicking import panorama.
  13. Hi, I want to have a 100% black background. When I set the ambient light to (0,0,0) it will still be a dark grey. I tried to import cubemap from https://docs.unrealengine.com/4.26/en-US/RenderingAndGraphics/Textures/Cubemaps/CreatingCubemaps/ However Ultra Engine will not import these I tried a .exr cubemap from https://polyhaven.com/hdris with the same issue. These could be easily edited in gimp to be just a black image. How would I make an al black environment ?
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