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  1. reepblue

    Lab Hallway

    Screenshot from SCP [REDACTED] https://www.ultraengine.com/scp https://discord.gg/4XhTjkR4fG Collab by me, textures by @Andy90
  2. Once saving a new .map file, the only way to save a new version, you need to override it.
  3. Don't buy it, I am the author and released this for free. https://github.com/reepsoftworks/luawerks Merge the provided with your existing Leadwerks 4.6. I don't support this anymore and it's not compatible with the new engine. If any questions, please let me know.
  4. Not sure. We decided rendering a viewmodel to a different camera was not preferred and I forgot about this bug ever since. I would need to write a new example to test this.
  5. screenshot1.zip Your output looks correct. Uploaded mine via zip.
  6. Tried with the fresh project, same results. I may try to update my Nivida driver later.
  7. Brought this up earlier but the selection glow is broken in the asset browser.
  8. I was told today that if you hold down alt and click on the surface, the pick material feature will work but it's not apparent.
  9. Please add a dedicated fullbright mode so I don't have to keep making the ambient light white to see what I'm doing.
  10. I would like these from Leadwerks 4.6.
  11. In the FPS demo, I wanted to parent spotlights to models but it causes shadow artificing in game. We simply just unparented the lights so we could get the demo out the door. I now want to do this again so I can make light fixture prefabs for a more streamlined level designing experience.
  12. I keep running into an issue where I find it difficult to select decals I place on the floor. I've included this map to demonstrate the issue. I can eventually get it (Or select it in the scene tree) but I expect the editor just to know I want to select the decal and not the floor below. decalselect.zip
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