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  1. So i was discussing UltraEngine with a friend and while adding multiplayer support with C++ would be trivial. How would you go about doing that if say you only bought the basic edition that only has LUA support?
  2. Alright so currently their isn't a fix until AMD gets back to you? Is their a way to force it off for now?
  3. I have tried deleting the project and creating a new one. I have also tried using the dev branch and deleting the project and creating new one and i get the same results.
  4. Nice! In that case I will definitely preorder soon. I did see someone mentioned they would love to see a shader editor and you mentioned that would be a feature you would like to add. One feature I think would be a huge upgrade to Leadworks would be a ui editor like Unity or Unreal has.
  5. Does anyone know roughly when abouts Ultra Engine may release. I love Leadwerks and I want to preorder but I want to grab it when it's close to release.
  6. Is there any way to make leadwerks compile 64bit? I seems to be just missing 64bit libraries to compile.
  7. So I see talk of the Leadwerks 5 beta quite often, how does one get access to the beta?
  8. So i'm working on cloth physics for Leadwerks, I have it working in my own engine perfectly and i'm trying to convert it over to leadwerks. The problem i have run into is that i'm not sure how to create a mesh in Leadwerks the same way i do in OpenGL, I assume that Leadwerks handles all that in the background with simplified functions instead. But is there anyway to create a mesh out of verticies through code at the moment? P.S Josh if you happen to read this hook me up with leadwerks 5
  9. Im just wondering how C++ works now because when i last used leadwerks i had the option to choose either a C++ or Lua project. I do realize that in the project folder there is still an sln but the code is different then it was then now i have all this Interpreter stuff. Do i need that code if im not using Lua?
  10. As i stated in my last thread i am going to use the nvidia libraries but i am stuck on one issue. 1>PhysX3ExtensionsDEBUG.lib(ExtDefaultSimulationFilterShader.obj) : error LNK2038: mismatch detected for '_MSC_VER': value '1700' doesn't match value '1800' in App.obj i am using all the debug libraries and the toolset is set for v12 i was wondering is leadwerks using some sort of release libs when i create a C++ project?
  11. I have PhyX working and now im working on particles and turbulence
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