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  1. beo6

    Terrain lag

    I have an NVIDIA 3090 GPU, So if it's the same, its not about the driver. And I also don't have any navmesh
  2. beo6

    Terrain lag

    Can you maybe confirm if FPS only drop if Tesselation and Terrain shadows are enabled? See also my bug report here:
  3. Sounds similar to my old issue Yes can confirm this issue reappeared.
  4. Looks like its an issue if both Tesselation and Terrain shadows is enabled. It doesn't matter if Tesselation is set to Low or Ultra. Framerate only returns to good if Tesselation AND/OR Terrain shadows is disabled. Also doesn't matter if i use Material on the terrain with tesselation or not.
  5. Still not sure how that is supposed to work. 1. I can't select anything when in Face select mode. Neither Terrain or any other model. 2. If i select it before with the Cursor Tool and switch back to the face tool its still all greyed out. 3. I don't expect the facetool to be for Terrain at all but for models, since the list of material layers i am talking about is when using the Terrain tool. https://s3.libs.space:9000/share/material-selection_removal.mp4
  6. Where? How? I guess you mean this? But i can't remove anything there since everything is greyed out and does not show any layers. Also it would be very odd to hide it like this.
  7. When enabling Terrain Shadows and using a Terrain that is 512x512 or up, the Framerate in the Editor 3D View becomes unusable and GPU usage goes up to 100% and coolers ramp up audible. Even 256x256 goes up to 90% GPU utilization and low framerate. I have a RTX 3090 with newest drivers.
  8. Seems that the Layers are empty if the Terrain Tab is open. So to reproduce: 1. Open a Project. 2. Switch to the Terrain Tab before loading any map. 3. Load a Map with Terrain Layers. Notice that no Material layers are shown. 4. Toggle Between another mode and back to the Terrain Mode/Tab again. Notice that the layers are now shown.
  9. Forest2.zip Though i don't think its because of the map? I just loaded a different Map and the Terrain Material Layers where empty again. So its probably an issue with loading a new Map after having loaded another map before?
  10. Please.. Or any workaround to remove layers from the Material Painting layers...
  11. I updated an older project and noticed that the Terrain Material Layers are empty. So i have to add the layers again. Luckily it does not seem to replace the already painted layers on the terrain. (though i wanted to do that anyway) After i added 2 material layers, saved the world and reopened it again, i got all layers back.
  12. As already written. To not have to guess the rotation and position manually. You move the editor view to a location, select the entity and press the button and it is moved to where the camera is and is rotated the way the view is rotated. Probably the main usecase is for camera entities so you don't have to manually enter values if you want a specific shot the camera should focus on. But i think it can also be useful for other entity types as mentioned above. See also if you still can't understand.
  13. Every Entity has a Rotation and Position. right? You can take the Rotation and Position of the Editor Camera and apply it to the Entity Rotation and Position. That would help in case a Component needs some specific Rotation and Position. And since for example the Empty Entity does not show any Rotation in its icon, that would help with that. See also my Camera Movement Component to why this would be useful. Unless you have a better idea to do this. Alternatively i would think something like allowing people to create custom entities that you can give some kind of a model to visualize its direction. In Unity for example you have the option `GameObject > Align With View`
  14. This would make rotating a camera entity way easier, and would also allow to align other entities. A viewport preview of camera entities would definetly help too but would prevent this from other entities unless we could use that somehow in our own components.
  15. I think there are some things that could have some improvements. 1. Add a Title over the Materials list, so its clear that the Load, Save and Delete buttons are not meant for the materials. 2. Add a Delete button to the buttons below the list to remove the selected material from the Terrain Materials List. 3. Maybe hide the Materials List when in not in Paint mode, so you don't get confused and think you would paint the Material instead of changing the Terrain. Maybe there is even another way to make it more obvious in which mode i am currently in than just that little dropdown. 4. Maybe a Preview of the currently selected Material could help in knowing what you would paint currently? 5. I think i mentioned that somewhere already, but shortcuts to change the Tool Radius / Hardness etc. are really useful. Maybe like Photoshop and many other drawing tools do it. like holding CTRL + Left Mouse button and moving cursor up/down to change Radius, CTRL + Left Mouse button and moving mouse left/right to change Hardness, CTRL + Left and Right mouse button to change strength. (I would have to check a drawing tool again to see how it is exactly done there, but its pretty intuitive since you also see the cursor change depending on what values to modify this way. These are just some ideas that i think could be helpful in using it.
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