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  1. I strongly recommend using the "decimate modifier" in Blender. you can literally have half as many polys and maintain topology. It is a life saver.
  2. Yes, I tried out the beta and it ran REALLY well. Very smooth and impressive. And it seems to support animation on my laptop! I am however working on this game project with Continental Studios and my craptop can barely handle the $two million plus motion tracking software that was handed to me even though I've got 10GB of RAM on this thing. It is becoming more and more apparent that I need a hardware update, so I will first get a desktop and then I will buy your product.
  3. I've made the mistake of posting this topic... it'd be a shame if I... DELETED IT
  4. I would if I had a better machine and a larger paycheck. I need to finish building my desktop ( CPU, RAM and a hard drive ) and then I will buy it. By then, I should be earning a pretty steady pay and I will give in to the awesomeness of LE3
  5. Wow, that looks much more simple. I will wait to buy LE 3.1 and then buy because that just seems so simple. I like how simple things seem to have gotten in the Editor. I like it a lot.
  6. YOU CAN?! How?! This is not part of the frameworks, is it... god I need to research my stuff more often before I post stuff like this...
  7. lol now I'm not sure if god rays actually exist... anyways, I like the texture mapping... makes things much easier with tillable... tileable*
  8. I really like this. It will take me a little while to save up, but I will definitely get it eventually. Runs really nice on my craptop and the only thing I want to know is how to get god rays... I liked LE2's god rays
  9. I know we have these features, but I meant like spotlight volumetric lights. I was also hoping the dynamic DOF would also come with the engine. Maybe LE3 will have it because they are using GLSL 4.0. If they have per-pixel motion blur, I'm sure they will have features somewhat like this. Maybe even dynamic mesh features. I have no idea how to program stuff like that, but it looks interesting. WAIT! Is it possible to make a spotlight or something like that "project" god rays? So that the god ray's source is the spotlight?
  10. Really wish we had dynamic depth of field for LE2 and I hope it appears in Leadwerks 3. Not too exited for volumetric lighting, but it would be nice to have.
  11. Damn. Volumetric lighting isn't too exiting for me, but I really wish we had dynamic depth of field...
  12. Just wondering because I haven't seen this yet, but is there dynamic depth of field and volumetric lighting in LE2 and if not, Leadwerks 3?
  13. Yes, but what I would like to do is make the buildings in an application like Blender and then do streets in Leadwerks. I dunno, I guess it would be more simple for what I am working on, but you can do that already in LE2... I guess I want to work with geometry of the roads inside of Leadwerks...
  14. I see. That actually makes it easier for my current project. I never could really use the terrain editor for city scenes, so I think CSG is the way to go. Thank you!
  15. Honestly I don't even know. Just anything that can make production easier I guess. Not that there's anything wrong with it now, but I just haven't heard too much talk about the landscape editor for LE3.
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