Work in Progress
Astrocuco DevLog
Work in Progress - Started by Yue,
My video game in development using Leadwerks video game engine. An adventure in development.
Mud and tire effects (with shader)
Work in Progress - Started by Marcousik,
I'm really happy about this
At the moment the effect is only applied at the one tire forward right of the truck.
It seems the mud is moving with the tire.
Thx and credit @havenphillip for basis shader
Introduction to Ultra Engine API
Work in Progress - Started by Josh,
Here are some of the new API features you will find in Ultra Engine.
Screen space reflections with roughness
Work in Progress - Started by Josh,
This shows screen space reflections (SSR) with per-pixel roughness. Even without any temporal filtering / accumulation the results are still pretty smooth.
GI specular with latency
Work in Progress - Started by Josh,
I spread the GI calculation out over several frames and interpolated between the last two updates. This provides a pretty smooth transition while keeping the GPU load very light. This is running on a GEForce 1660.
Music by white bat audio:
Work in Progress - Started by Josh,
Demonstration of screen-space reflections blended together with voxel raytracing for dynamic reflections that will run fast enough for VR on mid-range hardware.
Background music by White Bat Audio:
Screen-space voxel ray tracing hybrid
Work in Progress - Started by Josh,
First typical screen-space reflections are shown, which fade out as the reflected object moves out of the camera view. Next is shown SSR combined with voxel reflections that take over when screen reflection information is not available.
glTF PBR Features
Work in Progress - Started by Josh,
Added support for clearcoat, sheen, and partial support for transmission glTF extensions.