

This class describes an axis-aligned bounding box.

Property Type Description
Aabb Constructor Aabb()
Aabb Constructor Aabb(const Vec3& min, const Vec3& max)
Aabb Constructor Aabb(const float x0, const float y0, const float z0, const float x1, const float y1, const float z1)
min Vec3 Minimum extent of the bounding box.
max Vec3 Maximum extent of the bounding box.
center Vec3 Halfway point between the minimum and maximum extents
size Vec3 Distance between the minimum and maximum extents
radius float Radius of a sphere that complete encloses the bounding box.
+= Operator Expands one Aabb to enclose another.
+ Operator Expands one Aabb to enclose another and returns the result.
Update Method Calculates the bounding box size, center, and radius from the minimum and maximum extents.
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