Base class: Object



The window class provides an interface for creating system application windows.

Property Type Description
display const shared_ptr<Display>& read-only display the window resides on
position const iVec2& read-only window position
size const iVec2& read-only window size
style const WindowStyles& read-only window style
text const WString& read-only text shown in the window titlebar
Activate Method activates the window
ClientSize Method returns the window dimensions
Closed Method returns true if the user has closed the window
FlushKeys Method resets the keyboard button press states
FlushMouse Method resets the mouse button press states
GetHandle Method returns the system window object
GetHidden Method gets the window visibility
GetMouseAxis Method returns the raw mouse input
GetMousePosition Method gets the current mouse position
GetPosition Method returns the window screen position
GetSize Method returns the window dimensions
KeyDown Method returns true if the key is pressed
KeyHit Method returns true if the key has been pressed since the last call
MouseDown Method returns true if the mouse button is pressed
MouseHit Method returns true if the mouse button has been pressed since the last call
Maximized Method returns true if the window is currently maximized
Maximize Method maximizes the window
Minimize Method minimizes the window
Minimized Method returns true if the window is currently minimized
Restore Method restores the window from the minimized or maximized state
SetCursor Method sets the window cursor
SetHidden Method hide and show the window
SetMinSize Method sets the minimum size the window can be resized to
SetMousePosition Method sets the mouse position
SetShape Method sets the window position and size
Show Method makes the window visible
ActiveWindow Function returns the focused application window
CreateWindow Function creates a new window
TransformCoord Function transforms coordinates from one window to another
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