Base class: Object



The world class is a container for entities.

Property Type Description
animationstats AnimationStats animation system statistics
collisions const vector<Collision>& read-only list of collisions recorded in previous physics update
frequency const int& read-only update frequency
physicsstats PhysicsStats physics statistics
renderstats RenderStats rendering statistics
ClearCollisionResponses Method clears all collision responses
GetAmbientLight Method returns the ambient light color
GetCollisionResponse Method returns the collision response for collisions between the specified collision types
GetEntitiesInArea Method returns an array of entities that intersect the specified bounding box
GetTaggedEntities Method returns an array of entities with the specified tag
Pick Method performs a raycast
RecordStats Method enables statistics recording
Render Method renders the world
SetAmbientLight Method sets the ambient light color
SetCollisionResponse Method sets the collision response for collisions between the specified collision types
SetEnvironmentMap Method sets the skybox or specular and diffuse reflection maps
SetGravity Method sets the world gravity force
SetIblIntensity Method adjusts the strength of environment map reflections
Update Method updates physics, pathfinding, and other systems
CreateWorld Function creates a new world
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