Base class: Object
This class serves as the foundation for all 3D objects in a world. It provides a common set of properties and methods that are shared by all 3D objects, including terrain, lights, 3D models, and other types of objects.
Property | Type | Description |
extra | Object | user-defined object |
kids | table | read-only array of child entities |
matrix | Mat4 | read-only 4x4 matrix |
name | string | entity name |
omega | Vec3 | read-only angular velocity |
parent | Entity | entity parent |
position | Vec3 | read-only position |
properties | table | user-defined properties |
quaternion | Quat | read-only rotation |
rotation | Vec3 | read-only Euler rotation |
scale | Vec3 | read-only scale |
tags | table | read-only container of tags |
velocity | Vec3 | read-only linear velocity |
AddComponent | Method | adds an entity component |
AddForce | Method | apply linear force to the entity |
AddPointForce | Method | apply linear force at a specific point |
AddTag | Method | adds a tag |
AddTorque | Method | apply torque to the entity |
AlignToVector | Method | aligns an axis to a vector |
Attach | Method | attaches the entity to a bone or navigation agent |
ClearTags | Method | removes all tags |
Copy | Method | duplicates the entity |
EmitSound | Method | plays a sound at the entity's position |
FindChild | Method | searches for a child by name |
GetAirborne | Method | returns the airborne state of a player |
GetAngularVelocity | Method | returns the entity angular velocity |
GetBounds | Method | returns an axis-aligned bounding box |
GetCollider | Method | returns the physics collider |
GetComponent | Method | gets an entity component |
GetCollisionType | Method | returns the collision type |
GetColor | Method | returns the entity color |
GetCrouched | Method | returns the crouched state of a player |
GetDistance | Method | calculates distance to another entity |
GetHidden | Method | returns the entity hide state |
GetMass | Method | returns the entity mass |
GetMatrix | Method | returns the entity 4x4 matrix |
GetParent | Method | returns the parent entity |
GetPhysicsMode | Method | gets the entity physics behavior |
GetPickMode | Method | returns the entity pick mode |
GetPosition | Method | returns the entity position |
GetRotation | Method | returns the entity Euler rotation |
GetQuaternion | Method | returns the entity rotation |
GetScale | Method | returns the entity scale |
GetUuid | Method | returns the entity's unique identifier |
GetVelocity | Method | returns the entity linear velocity |
GetWorld | Method | returns the world the entity resides in |
Instantiate | Method | creates an instanced copy of the entity |
Listen | Method | uses the entity for sound spatialization |
Move | Method | moves the entity |
Point | Method | points one entity at another |
RecordCollisions | Method | enables collision recording |
RemoveTag | Method | removes a tag |
SetAngularVelocity | Method | sets the entity angular velcoty |
SetCollider | Method | sets the entity physics collider |
SetCollisionType | Method | sets the entity collision type |
SetColor | Method | sets the entity color |
SetDamping | Method | sets the entity physics damping |
SetElasticity | Method | sets the entity physics elasticity |
SetFriction | Method | sets the entity physics friction |
SetFog | Method | controls whether distance fog affects the entity |
SetHidden | Method | hides or shows the entity |
SetInput | Method | handles controls for player movement |
SetMass | Method | sets the entity physical mass |
SetMaterial | Method | applies a material to the entity |
SetMatrix | Method | sets the entity 4x4 matrix |
SetParent | Method | parents one entity to another |
SetPhysicsMode | Method | sets the entity physics behavior |
SetPosition | Method | sets the entity position in local or global space |
SetRotation | Method | sets the entity rotation in local or global space |
SetScale | Method | sets the entity scale |
SetShadow | Method | determines whether the entity casts a shadow |
SetVelocity | Method | sets the entity linear velocity |
Staticize | Method | permanently makes an entity static |
Sync | Method | resets rendering interpolation |
Translate | Method | translates the entity position in local or global space |
Turn | Method | turns the entity in local or global space |
UpdateBounds | Method | updates the entity bounding boxes |