Base class: Asset



This class provides an interface for loading, manipulating, and saving image data.

Property Type Description
format number read-only format of the pixel data
size iVec2 read-only size of the pixmap
blocks iVec2 read-only number of blocks in the image, for compressed formats
pixels Buffer buffer containing pixel data
blocksize number read-only size of each block, for compressed formats
Blit Method copies an area of a pixmap to another pixmap, with scaling and filtering
Convert Method converts a pixmap to another format
CopyRect Method copies an area of a pixmap to another pixmap
Extract Method extracts part of the pixmap into a new pixmap
Fill Method writes each pixel with the specified color
ReadPixel Method reads a single pixel
Resize Method resizes the pixmap
Sample Method reads a pixel sample with bilinear filtering
WritePixel Method writes a single pixel
CreatePixmap Function Creates a new pixmap object.
LoadPixmap Function Loads a pixmap object from a file.
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