Class: Server


This method sends a message from the server to one connected client.


function Server:Send(client, id, data, channel, flags)


Parameter Description
client The connected client to send the message to.
id The user-defined message ID.
data The string or binary data to send, or nil if the message only consists of the ID.
channel Optional channel to send in, for ordered messages.
flags Optional message flags, can be MESSAGE_DEFAULT or any combination of MESSAGE_SEQUENCED, MESSAGE_RELIABLE, and MESSAGE_BUFFERED.


-- Sending a message with binary data
local client = -- The connected client (of type Peer)
local id = -- The user-defined message ID (an int)
local data = -- The binary data to send (of type Buffer)
local channel = -- The optional channel (an int)
local flags = -- The optional message flags (an int)

Server:Send(client, id, data, channel, flags)

-- Sending a message with a string
local client = -- The connected client (of type Peer)
local id = -- The user-defined message ID (an int)
local data = -- The string data to send (a string)
local channel = -- The optional channel (an int)
local flags = -- The optional message flags (an int)

Server:Send(client, id, data, channel, flags)

-- Sending a message with a wide string
local client = -- The connected client (of type Peer)
local id = -- The user-defined message ID (an int)
local data = -- The wide string data to send (a WString)
local channel = -- The optional channel (an int)
local flags = -- The optional message flags (an int)

Server:Send(client, id, data, channel, flags)
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