Ultra Engine includes functionality to help publish your game to Steam.
Property | Type | Description |
AddStat | Function | increments a user statistic |
AppInstalled | Function | checks if the specified app is installed |
AppSubscribed | Function | checks if the specified app is authorized to be run |
BroadcastPacket | Function | sends a packet all other players in a lobby |
CreateLobby | Function | creates a new lobby for multiplayer games |
DlcInstalled | Function | checks if the specified DLC is installed for this application |
GetAppId | Function | gets this application's ID |
GetBuildId | Function | gets the application build ID |
GetLeaderboard | Function | gets a leaderboard by name |
GetLeaderboardEntries | Function | gets the leaderboard stored scores |
GetLobbies | Function | gets a list of lobbies for this game |
GetLobbyCapacity | Function | gets the maximum number of players that can join the lobby |
GetLobbyMembers | Function | gets the user ID of all players in the lobby |
GetLobbyOwner | Function | gets the user ID of the lobby's owner |
GetLobbyProperty | Function | gets the maximum number of players |
GetPacket | Function | retrieves the next available packet received |
GetStat | Function | gets a user statistic |
GetUserAvatar | Function | gets the user's Steam profile picture |
GetUserId | Function | gets the user's Steam profile ID |
GetUserName | Function | gets the user's Steam profile name |
Initialize | Function | Initializes the Steam API |
InviteFriends | Function | opens the Steam overlay with the invite friends interface |
JoinLobby | Function | joins a lobby |
LeaveLobby | Function | leaves a lobby |
RecordVoice | Function | sets the microphone recording state, for in-game voice chat |
SendPacket | Function | sends data to another user |
SetLeaderboardScore | Function | sets a user statistic |
SetLobbyProperty | Function | sets the maximum number of players |
SetStat | Function | sets a user statistic |
Shutdown | Function | closes the Steam API |
UnlockAchievement | Function | sets a user achievement |
Update | Function | should be called once per frame |