

Ultra Engine includes functionality to help publish your game to Steam.

Property Type Description
AddStat Function increments a user statistic
AppInstalled Function checks if the specified app is installed
AppSubscribed Function checks if the specified app is authorized to be run
BroadcastPacket Function sends a packet all other players in a lobby
CreateLobby Function creates a new lobby for multiplayer games
DlcInstalled Function checks if the specified DLC is installed for this application
GetAppId Function gets this application's ID
GetBuildId Function gets the application build ID
GetLeaderboard Function gets a leaderboard by name
GetLeaderboardEntries Function gets the leaderboard stored scores
GetLobbies Function gets a list of lobbies for this game
GetLobbyCapacity Function gets the maximum number of players that can join the lobby
GetLobbyMembers Function gets the user ID of all players in the lobby
GetLobbyOwner Function gets the user ID of the lobby's owner
GetLobbyProperty Function gets the maximum number of players
GetPacket Function retrieves the next available packet received
GetStat Function gets a user statistic
GetUserAvatar Function gets the user's Steam profile picture
GetUserId Function gets the user's Steam profile ID
GetUserName Function gets the user's Steam profile name
Initialize Function Initializes the Steam API
InviteFriends Function opens the Steam overlay with the invite friends interface
JoinLobby Function joins a lobby
LeaveLobby Function leaves a lobby
RecordVoice Function sets the microphone recording state, for in-game voice chat
SendPacket Function sends data to another user
SetLeaderboardScore Function sets a user statistic
SetLobbyProperty Function sets the maximum number of players
SetStat Function sets a user statistic
Shutdown Function closes the Steam API
UnlockAchievement Function sets a user achievement
Update Function should be called once per frame
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