Base class: Object



This class provides an interface for reading and writing files.

Property Type Description
path string read-only file name or URL
package string read-only file name or URL
Align Method aligns the stream to a multiple of the specified size
Close Method closes the stream
Eof Method returns true when the end of the stream is reached
Flush Method flushes the stream
GetPackage Method returns the package the stream was loaded from
GetPosition Method returns the current position for read and write operations
GetSize Method returns the stream size
Read Method reads block of data from the stream
ReadByte Method reads a byte from the stream
ReadDouble Method reads a double float value from the stream
ReadFloat Method reads a float value from the stream
ReadInt Method reads an integer from the stream
ReadLine Method reads a line of text
ReadShort Method reads an unsigned short from the stream
ReadString Method reads a string from the stream
ReadWLine Method reads a line of text
ReadWString Method reads a wide string from the stream
Seek Method changes the file read position
Write Method writes block of data to the stream
WriteByte Method writes a byte to the stream
WriteDouble Method writes a double float value to the stream
WriteFloat Method writes a float value to the stream
WriteInt Method writes an integer to the stream
WriteLine Method writes a line of text
WriteShort Method writes an unsigned short to the stream
WriteString Method writes a string to the stream
WriteWLine Method writes a line of text
WriteWString Method writes a wide string to the stream
OpenFile Function opens a file for reading and writing
ReadFile Function opens a file for reading
WriteFile Function opens a file for writing
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