Base class: Object
The world class is a container for entities.
Property | Type | Description |
animationstats | AnimationStats | animation system statistics |
collisions | table | read-only list of collisions recorded in previous physics update |
frequency | number | read-only update frequency |
physicsstats | PhysicsStats | physics statistics |
renderstats | RenderStats | rendering statistics |
ClearCollisionResponses | Method | clears all collision responses |
GetAmbientLight | Method | returns the ambient light color |
GetCollisionResponse | Method | returns the collision response for collisions between the specified collision types |
GetEntitiesInArea | Method | returns an array of entities that intersect the specified bounding box |
GetTaggedEntities | Method | returns an array of entities with the specified tag |
Pick | Method | performs a raycast |
RecordStats | Method | enables statistics recording |
Render | Method | renders the world |
SetAmbientLight | Method | sets the ambient light color |
SetCollisionResponse | Method | sets the collision response for collisions between the specified collision types |
SetEnvironmentMap | Method | sets the skybox or specular and diffuse reflection maps |
SetGravity | Method | sets the world gravity force |
SetIblIntensity | Method | adjusts the strength of environment map reflections |
Update | Method | updates physics, pathfinding, and other systems |
CreateWorld | Function | creates a new world |