• Introduction
  • Getting Started with C++
  • Getting Started with Lua
  • Editor
    • Interface
      • Asset Browser
      • Asset Editor
      • Console
      • Face Panel
      • Objects Panel
      • Options Window
      • Map Browser
      • Project Manager
      • Terrain Panel
      • Toolbar
      • Viewports
    • Workflow
      • Physically-based Materials
      • Modeling Pipeline
  • Programming Reference
    • Asset
      • GetPackage
      • Reload
      • Save
    • Audio
      • Sound
        • GetHandle
        • GetLength
        • LoadSound
        • Play
      • Speaker
        • CreateSpeaker
        • GetHandle
        • GetPitch
        • GetState
        • GetTime
        • GetVolume
        • Pause
        • Play
        • SetFilter
        • SetLooping
        • SetPitch
        • SetTime
        • SetVolume
        • Stop
      • SetHrtf
    • Component
      • Collide
      • Copy
      • Load
      • Save
      • Start
      • Update
    • Entity
      • Brush
        • AddFace
        • AddVertex
        • Build
        • CreateBoxBrush
        • CreateBrush
        • IntersectsBrush
        • IntersectsPoint
        • SetVertexPosition
        • Slice
      • Camera
        • AddPostEffect
        • ClearPostEffects
        • CreateCamera
        • GetFov
        • GetProjectionMode
        • GetRange
        • GetZoom
        • Pick
        • Project
        • Render
        • SetClearMode
        • SetDepthPrepass
        • SetFov
        • SetOrder
        • SetProjectionMode
        • SetRange
        • SetRealtime
        • SetRefraction
        • SetRenderTarget
        • SetSweptCulling
        • SetTessellation
        • SetZoom
        • UnProject
      • Decal
        • CreateDecal
      • Light
        • CreateBoxLight
        • CreateDirectionalLight
        • CreatePointLight
        • CreateSpotLight
        • GetConeAngles
        • GetFalloff
        • GetRange
        • GetShadowMapSize
        • SetConeAngles
        • SetFalloff
        • SetRange
        • SetShadowMapSize
      • Model
        • AddLod
        • AddMesh
        • Animate
        • Clear
        • Collapse
        • CreateBox
        • CreateCone
        • CreateCubeSphere
        • CreateCylinder
        • CreateModel
        • CreatePlane
        • CreateSphere
        • LoadModel
        • Save
        • SetLodDistance
        • SetSkeleton
        • UpdateNormals
      • ParticleEmitter
        • CreateParticleEmitter
      • Pivot
        • CreatePivot
      • Sprite
        • CreateSprite
        • LoadSprite
        • SetViewMode
      • Terrain
        • AddLayer
        • CreateTerrain
        • Fill
        • GetElevation
        • GetHeight
        • GetLayerHeightConstraints
        • GetLayers
        • GetLayerScale
        • GetLayerSlopeConstraints
        • GetLayerTextureMappingMode
        • GetLayerWeight
        • GetNormal
        • GetSlope
        • GetTileHidden
        • LoadHeightmap
        • SetHeight
        • SetLayerHeightConstraints
        • SetLayerTextureMappingMode
        • SetLayerSlopeConstraints
        • SetLayerScale
        • SetLayerWeight
        • SetTileHidden
      • AddComponent
      • AddForce
      • AddPointForce
      • AddTag
      • AddTorque
      • AlignToVector
      • Attach
      • ClearTags
      • Copy
      • EmitSound
      • FindChild
      • GetAirborne
      • GetAngularVelocity
      • GetBounds
      • GetCollider
      • GetCollisionType
      • GetColor
      • GetCrouched
      • GetDistance
      • GetHidden
      • GetMass
      • GetMatrix
      • GetParent
      • GetPhysicsMode
      • GetPickMode
      • GetPosition
      • GetRotation
      • GetQuaternion
      • GetScale
      • GetUuid
      • GetVelocity
      • GetWorld
      • Instantiate
      • Listen
      • Move
      • Point
      • RecordCollisions
      • RemoveTag
      • SetAngularVelocity
      • SetCollider
      • SetCollisionType
      • SetColor
      • SetDamping
      • SetElasticity
      • SetFriction
      • SetHidden
      • SetInput
      • SetMass
      • SetMatrix
      • SetParent
      • SetPhysicsMode
      • SetPickMode
      • SetPosition
      • SetRenderLayers
      • SetRotation
      • SetScale
      • SetShadow
      • SetVelocity
      • Staticize
      • Sync
      • Translate
      • Turn
      • UpdateBounds
    • File System
      • FileSystemWatcher
        • CreateFileSystemWatcher
      • Package
        • AddFile
        • CreatePackage
        • Close
        • DeleteFile
        • ExtractFile
        • FileSize
        • FileTime
        • FileType
        • LoadDir
        • LoadPackage
        • ReadFile
        • Restrict
        • SetPassword
      • Stream
        • BufferStream
          • CreateBufferStream
        • Align
        • Close
        • Eof
        • Flush
        • GetPackage
        • GetPosition
        • GetSize
        • Read
        • ReadByte
        • ReadDouble
        • ReadFloat
        • ReadInt
        • ReadLine
        • ReadShort
        • ReadString
        • Seek
        • Write
        • WriteByte
        • WriteDouble
        • WriteFloat
        • WriteInt
        • WriteLine
        • WriteShort
        • WriteString
      • AppDir
      • AppPath
      • ASyncDownloadFile
      • CasedPath
      • ChangeDir
      • CreateFile
      • CurrentDir
      • DeleteDir
      • DeleteFile
      • DownloadFile
      • ExtractDir
      • ExtractExt
      • FetchUrl
      • FileHidden
      • FileSize
      • FileTime
      • FileType
      • GetPath
      • HideFile
      • LoadDir
      • LoadTable
      • OpenDir
      • OpenFile
      • ReadFile
      • RealPath
      • RenameFile
      • RunFile
      • SaveTable
      • ShowFile
      • StripAll
      • StripDir
      • StripExt
      • WriteFile
    • GamePad
      • ButtonDown
      • ButtonHit
      • GetAxisPosition
      • GetConnected
      • GetGamePads
      • Flush
      • Rumble
    • Graphics
      • Bone
        • GetPosition
        • GetRotation
        • GetScale
        • SetPosition
        • SetRotation
        • SetScale
        • Turn
      • Display
        • ClientArea
        • GetDisplays
        • GetPosition
        • GetScale
        • GetSize
      • Face
        • AddIndice
        • GetMaterial
        • GetTextureMappingPlane
        • GetTextureMappingRotation
        • GetTextureMappingScale
        • GetTextureMappingTranslation
        • SetMaterial
        • SetTextureMappingPlane
        • SetTextureMappingRotation
        • SetTextureMappingScale
        • SetTextureMappingTranslation
      • Font
        • GetHeight
        • GetTextWidth
        • LoadFont
      • Framebuffer
        • Capture
        • CreateFramebuffer
        • GetCaptures
        • GetSize
      • Lod
      • Material
        • CreateMaterial
        • GetColor
        • GetMetalness
        • GetRoughness
        • GetShaderFamily
        • GetTexture
        • GetTransparent
        • LoadMaterial
        • SetColor
        • SetDisplacement
        • SetMetalness
        • SetRoughness
        • SetShaderFamily
        • SetTessellation
        • SetTexture
        • SetTransparent
      • Mesh
        • AddPrimitive
        • AddVertex
        • Copy
        • CountPrimitives
        • CountVertices
        • CreateMesh
        • GetRenderLayers
        • GetVertexColor
        • GetVertexPosition
        • GetVertexNormal
        • GetVertexTexCoords
        • Recenter
        • Rotate
        • Scale
        • SetMaterial
        • SetRenderLayers
        • SetSkinned
        • SetVertexColor
        • SetVertexPosition
        • SetVertexNormal
        • SetVertexTexCoords
        • Transform
        • Translate
        • UpdateBounds
        • UpdateTangents
      • MeshLayer
      • PostEffect
        • LoadPostEffect
      • Prefab
        • LoadPrefab
      • Scene
        • CreateScene
        • LoadScene
        • Reload
        • Save
      • ShaderFamily
        • LoadShaderFamily
      • Skeleton
        • FindBone
      • Texture
        • BuildMipmaps
        • CreateTexture
        • LoadTexture
        • SetPixels
        • SetSubPixels
      • TextureBuffer
        • CreateTextureBuffer
        • CountColorAttachments
        • GetColorAttachment
        • GetDepthAttachment
        • GetSize
        • SetColorAttachment
        • SetDepthAttachment
      • Window
        • Activate
        • ActiveWindow
        • ClientSize
        • Closed
        • CreateWindow
        • FlushKeys
        • FlushMouse
        • GetHandle
        • GetHidden
        • GetMouseAxis
        • GetMousePosition
        • GetPosition
        • GetSize
        • KeyDown
        • KeyHit
        • MouseDown
        • MouseHit
        • Maximize
        • Maximized
        • Minimize
        • Minimized
        • Restore
        • SetCursor
        • SetHidden
        • SetMinSize
        • SetMousePosition
        • SetShape
        • TransformCoord
    • GUI
      • Event
        • EmitEvent
        • FlushEvents
        • ListenEvent
        • PeekEvent
        • WaitEvent
      • Icon
        • LoadIcon
        • Rasterize
      • Interface
        • CreateInterface
        • LoadColorScheme
        • ProcessEvent
        • SetRenderLayers
        • SetScale
        • SetSize
      • Pixmap
        • Blit
        • Convert
        • CopyRect
        • CreatePixmap
        • Extract
        • Fill
        • LoadPixmap
        • ReadPixel
        • Resize
        • Sample
        • WritePixel
      • Timer
        • CreateTimer
        • Stop
      • Widget
        • AddItem
        • AddNode
        • ClearItems
        • ClientSize
        • CreateButton
        • CreateComboBox
        • CreateLabel
        • CreateMenu
        • CreateListBox
        • CreatePanel
        • CreateProgressBar
        • CreateSlider
        • CreateTabber
        • CreateTextField
        • CreateTextArea
        • CreateTreeView
        • GetItemText
        • GetHidden
        • GetInterface
        • GetParent
        • GetPosition
        • GetSelectedItem
        • GetSelectedNode
        • GetSize
        • GetState
        • GetText
        • GetValue
        • Paint
        • RemoveItem
        • SelectItem
        • SelectNode
        • SetColor
        • SetFontBold
        • SetFontScale
        • SetHidden
        • SetIcon
        • SetItemState
        • SetItemText
        • SetLayout
        • SetParent
        • SetPixmap
        • SetProgress
        • SetRange
        • SetShape
        • SetState
        • SetText
        • SetTexture
        • SetValue
      • WidgetItem
    • Math
      • Aabb
        • Update
      • iVec2
      • iVec3
      • iVec4
      • Mat4
        • Determinant
        • GetQuaternion
        • GetRotation
        • GetScale
        • GetTranslation
        • Inverse
        • Normalize
        • Transpose
      • Plane
        • DistanceToPoint
        • IntersectsLine
      • Quat
        • Inverse
        • Normalize
        • Slerp
        • ToEuler
      • Vec2
        • Length
        • Normalize
      • Vec3
        • DistanceToPoint
        • Dot
        • Hsl
        • Inverse
        • Length
        • Normalize
        • Cross
        • Reflect
        • Rgb
      • Vec4
      • Abs
      • ACos
      • Alpha
      • ASin
      • ATan
      • Blue
      • Ceil
      • Clamp
      • Cos
      • Dec
      • Degrees
      • DeltaAngle
      • Floor
      • Green
      • Hex
      • Max
      • Min
      • Mix
      • MixAngle
      • Mod
      • MoveTowards
      • Radians
      • Random
      • Red
      • Rgba
      • Round
      • Seed
      • Sin
      • Tan
      • TransformAabb
      • TransformNormal
      • TransformPlane
      • TransformPoint
      • TransformRotation
      • TransformVector
    • Memory
      • Buffer
        • Clear
        • Copy
        • CreateBuffer
        • CreateStaticBuffer
        • Data
        • GetSize
        • LoadBuffer
        • PeekByte
        • PeekDouble
        • PeekInt
        • PeekFloat
        • PeekShort
        • PeekString
        • PokeByte
        • PokeDouble
        • PokeInt
        • PokeFloat
        • PokeShort
        • PokeString
        • Resize
        • Save
      • StreamBuffer
        • CreateStreamBuffer
    • Object
      • PathFinding
        • NavAgent
          • CreateNavAgent
          • Navigate
          • SetMaxAcceleration
          • SetMaxSpeed
          • SetPosition
          • SetRotation
          • Stop
        • NavMesh
          • Build
          • CreateNavMesh
          • PlotPath
          • RandomPoint
          • SetPosition
          • SetRotation
      • Physics
        • Collider
          • CreateBoxCollider
          • CreateCompoundCollider
          • CreateConeCollider
          • CreateCylinderCollider
          • CreateConvexHullCollider
          • CreateMeshCollider
          • CreateSphereCollider
        • Collision
        • Joint
          • CreateBallAndSocketJoint
          • CreateHingeJoint
          • CreateKinematicJoint
          • CreatePlaneJoint
          • CreateSliderJoint
          • GetLimits
          • GetOffset
          • SetFriction
          • SetLimits
          • SetMaxForce
          • SetMaxTorque
          • SetPose
          • SetSpring
        • PickInfo
      • Plugin
        • LoadPlugin
      • Process
        • Close
        • CreateProcess
        • GetStatus
        • Wait
      • Strings
        • Scripting
          • RunScript
        • Statistics
          • AnimationStats
          • PhysicsStats
          • RenderStats
        • Steamworks
          • AddStat
          • AppInstalled
          • AppSubscribed
          • BroadcastPacket
          • CreateLobby
          • DlcInstalled
          • GetAppId
          • GetBuildId
          • GetLeaderboard
          • GetLeaderboardEntries
          • GetLobbies
          • GetLobbyCapacity
          • GetLobbyMembers
          • GetLobbyOwner
          • GetLobbyProperty
          • GetPacket
          • GetStat
          • GetUserAvatar
          • GetUserId
          • GetUserName
          • Initialize
          • InviteFriends
          • JoinLobby
          • LeaveLobby
          • RecordVoice
          • SendPacket
          • SetLeaderboardScore
          • SetLobbyCapacity
          • SetLobbyProperty
          • SetStat
          • Shutdown
          • UnlockAchievement
          • Update
        • System
          • Assert
          • Command
          • Confirm
          • GetMemoryUsage
          • Millisecs
          • Notify
          • Proceed
          • Print
          • RequestDir
          • RequestFile
          • RuntimeError
          • Sleep
        • VrDevice
          • Hmd
            • SetOffset
            • GetHmd
          • VrController
            • ButtonDown
            • ButtonHit
            • ButtonTouched
            • GetAxis
            • Rumble
          • Connected
          • GetMatrix
          • GetPosition
          • GetQuaternion
          • GetRotation
        • World
          • ClearCollisionResponses
          • CreateWorld
          • GetAmbientLight
          • GetCollisionResponse
          • GetEntitiesInArea
          • GetTaggedEntities
          • Pick
          • RecordStats
          • Render
          • SetAmbientLight
          • SetCollisionResponse
          • SetEnvironmentMap
          • SetGravity
          • SetIblIntensity
          • Update